Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024

romano aryan gypsy leadership iran in the last 40 years: what genes and dna do you have if you want to get married and have children? european american eugenics fascism and genes politics iran..

آقا ما بریم، ولی همه کار هاشون تا به امروز اینه، عادت دیرینه است! واسه خودشون رو پوست نوکش رو میبرن و واسه مارو از ته میبرن. حالا تو اقتصاد وسیاست رو نگاه کن، از ته پوست کیر مارو میبرن. جاکش بعد میگه: هورمون مرغ وارداتی چومبول مرد های مارو کوچیک کرده...

Many women and girls came to my shop, completely normal behavior: how are you, what are you doing, how is business going. The assholes even installed cameras in the basement of my antique shop to find out if I was getting anyone pregnant. The judges and secret services, along with politicians, civil servants, salarymen.

I have to go to sleep, but what Austria is trying to do with the help of the Ayatollahs is to build the proud Second National Socialism and the Fourth Reich, this time: no one is allowed to have been human before ape evolution or to be human today if we descended from apes. In a few decades, technology will be so advanced that even a ten-year-old boy will be able to get underground prehistory technology out and use it.

آقا یک شب قبل از اینکه پدر بزرگ بزرگوار ما بمیره خواب دیدم همه درهای خونه یک زمان با صدای وحشتناک بسته شد، عصبانیت سر چی بود نفهمیدم، ولی مثل اینکه هر تولدی یک رنج هایی هم برای خدا داره، والا، متولد شدیم جلو کشتار دست جمعی رو بگیریم و داریم میبینیم جد و آباد عنمون از همه بدترند.... گیری کردیم جون تو حاج آقا

Mansour Farahani "my uncle" had a social democratic party membership card from 2002, I am interested today whether he also received money in 2003 for the betrayal. Here in my shop, where I tried to build my career and livelihood

the sum of illegal black money and race trade is in police drawers. Race trade in the sense that only the private life of VMAT2 ethnic group is of interest to the cyber torture economy. no one else. energy Scotty bim you down. :-) it works with stones as transmitter

I don't take pointless photos, but each piece is a world sensation, even if it happens with a tablet or smartphone.

That's why a sex worker never meant a whore to me, but rather an honest worker who offers a service and takes money for it. We originally called other women whores: traitors, killers, looters, child murderers, hostage takers. Today's cyber terrorists

what is so dramatic is that nobody understands the Elam language, the whore and the master thief... or nobody wants to understand because of references to race :-)

بینم این سینما ایران هر چی از جنده دزد ها فیلم میسازه مردم عاشق هنرپیشه اش میشن، جریان چیه؟ تازه خارج از کشور هم میان و دزد تر میشن مردم عاشق تر میشن

the quiet crying.

آقا ما از پنج سالگی یکم حواسمون پرت بود این میزد مارو میکشت ها، به جون تو، سگ ننه عنتر رو ما کلاس اول راهنمایی باهاش تسویه حساب کردیم و حساب مسابی که داشتیم پاک کردیم، اینجوری: این تو و این من مهندس، شش تا تجدیدی رو حال کن، یعنی تو خدا من بدبخت بیچاره. کثیف شاشخالیه مادر قحبه

Both terror states, namely the Nazi state of Austria and the Islamic Republic of Iran, have strong networks in Vienna as pillar: envy, hopelessness, poverty, shitty life, their cohesion: why were you someone at 26

In 1993 I was in Gran Canaria working as a freelancer in a time-sharing hotel. My records were high, but then: I got two roommates, both Viennese named Goran and Zoran, the tragic thing was that the tourists ran away from Zoran, and Goran accused me of being a natural swindler and a charlatan, so many statistics in a day is not normal. In Iran they are called Hassan Hussein and Fariba and Nahid after immigration, but still worse than Viennese Goran and Zoran in the cyber torture business

this animal behavior "home invasion with the intention of mass murder" will only stop when: some houses will be burnt down to the last brick: house Vatican, house UNO, house Hague and house Strasbourg

The grail and my shamanic ritual and skills keep our case up to date. it has advantages but also disadvantages, evolution of animal origin is becoming more aggressive than before

My family and I have been in danger of being murdered for several years, firstly because of failure to provide assistance, also with regard to doctors and hospitals. Secondly because of aggressive fascists.All of this is justified: the Islamic government of Iran and the NAZI state of Austria need this economic system and capital, inferior vmat2 human losses are bearable, they are useless material. The grail and my shamanic ritual and skills keep our case up to date. it has advantages but also disadvantages, evolution of animal origin is becoming more aggressive than before

Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024

what is this? what story? a mythical creature advises a girl about what? and the guardian smiles at me about what? fuck you underdeveloped invalid brain, dirty fascist gang

I have to go, but on this rock art Elam what is there to see? science, ethnology, art ethnology, religious behavior, a conversation about: who you who I who he? mass murder attitude combined with financial system and economic system does Europe develop back again, to bastard monkeys

I became a victim with my mother and sister and all organizations and authorities and international human rights authorities have been shouting for decades: we are not dealing with Human, but with inferiority from Iran that does not deserve any human rights.

after 45 years of mass murder where even 12 to 15 year olds were murdered for distributing books

After 45 years of mass murder, Ayatollah terrorism and crime should be punished with hundreds of millions of euros, even if a political activist with a minor function was made a victim. I became a victim with my mother and sister and all organizations and authorities and international human rights authorities have been shouting for decades: we are not dealing with Human, but with inferiority from Iran that does not deserve any human rights.

both characters have perfect faces and eyes. fuck you vienna with: we don't let anything show, the stasi genocide money is more important than anything else

I have to go to sleep, but this is about a dragon and the old wise men. It is not for the blind but for the sighted there is a riddle to solve until tomorrow noon. I have the explanation

this is how it looks: Gypsy Iranians, Romano balkan Aryan Iranians say in solidarity with Austrians: the Ayatollahs and Hezbollah should throw their inferior Jewish citizens at our feet and we know what to do. damn Nazi filth Austria

look at the rents, even in the outskirts full of foreigners, with a minimum salary of 1200. internet business with race and ethnicity, with VMAT2, brings you a little more prosperity. fuck Austria... it's getting worse than the second world war with VMAT2 trade

cheapest filth: we work with ayatollahs we help the ayatollahs against the real enemies so that we can feel like human beings again, we are human beings again, we destroy all jews again! dirtiest bastard austro fascism in all disguises:

Iran has become a country where gypsy origin, Romano Aryan race says to native race: you are not human. What all "Iranian" political activists and human rights activists are doing in Vienna: you are not human, citizen rights and human rights do not concern you

آقا ما رفتیم، ولی ببین جنده خوار: شیرینی هایی که سال 2005 سر خاتمی پخش میکردی واسه این بود: معصومه علینژاد رو میکنیم مادر زنت ببین چه بلایی سرت میاره. والا، سرور شمس دهاتی غربتی کیه، اینو باش.. اووووه هااا