Sonntag, 9. Juni 2024

حاجی ما بریم بخوابیم، این روز ها مردم به کسانی که قدرت صدور حکم قتل دارند میگن ملکوتی، ما که رفتیم زیر خط فقر

The photo is from January 8th, unfortunately very blurry with a cell phone camera. I am something special and look who is standing in front of the cameras today: Austria has won, we have shown again that the special thing in us can win. The pure Aryan race has always been reasonable, loyal and convinced. Good Night

The Greens and Amnesty employees have profited more from the bounty and Stasi murder system than right-wing and far-right parties.

there is not a single party and politician that has not profited from bounty and has not laundered the Ayatollah/Hezbollah bounty share, all, even the smallest rats, the leftist parties

The elections today in Vienna: corrupt criminals are elected by an even more corrupt: the society. Criminal scum, citizens and race dealers, bounty hunters, Aryan killer race and criminals.

My cat was officially sentenced to death in cyber torture chat rooms and poisoned, so there is bounty on the head even for a medium cat. those who watched were the Aryan race international judges and Aryan race UNO elite. Aryan race in human rights costume

Have you seen the photo below? Look at this one: I have been afraid of this race since I was 3 years old, to this day, it is justified and rational behavior: fear of your Aryan existence and race. you empathyless criminals

simply explained: a Chinese woman gives birth to a Chinese child, an African woman gives birth to an African child and an Indian woman gives birth to an Indian child, but what does this uterus give birth to in Iran? Iranian child? In Aryan Iran? Europe and America have armies of networks and Aryan fascists in Iran! my uncle Reza, the brother of my mother

In the early 70s Roloff Beny travelled through Iran and photographed rare moments. I am fascinated by this piece, the base of the statue and the image of two women. It points to the womb. Today's bounty is set on this genetics, now in Iran outside Iran, Middle East or Africa. Today minorities in their own homeland

If the Austrian Nazi state will never be stopped (by whatever government) and the entire parliament will not be stopped, the bounty system will become an established illegal economic system. No matter if it is children, women, men, or young and old.

such dirty nazis and fascists, namely green party, leftists, social democracy, communism, liberal, right-wing parties, alternative and the entire political assortment that only one thing remains: political armed struggle registration! against racial extermination program with cyber torture: long-term strategy for slow death and sterilization

A billion euro bounty just for a VMAT2 shaman leads to mass murder, my whole family is affected by it, mother and daughter, my mother and sister

در کون حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت و جبهه ملی و چپ لجن ایران و راست لجن ایران رو مالیدن کاری نداره که، خوار مادر گائیدن آمریکا و اروپا کیف داره، اونم اینطوری...

بله، البته ضعف که گرفتیم، کیرم تو دهن همتون و مادر جنده های کوسکش عوضی گفتن علامت ضعف است

Mostly men and women with inner emptiness get attacks of weakness, it turns into amok, terror, hatred and delusion. Cyber ​​torture Stasi system is designed to lead to psychosis. What do you say about this photo, you rich dirty empty Nazi pig. I'll take photos again this evening, but with my tablet, without flash.

Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

I have to go to sleep, but for comparison: more than half of Austrian women have been asking themselves depressive and psychotic abnormally ill for 18 years: why can't we be as free as we were back then, when we were free in Nazi Germany to kill families, daughters, mothers, husbands and sons. LOL you Aryan you, you sick eyistenz you

I ask you: why does this only happen in Iran? Dousing a dog or lion or cat with petrol and setting it on fire? A country where 5000 years ago it was written how animals should be treated? Hellfire and demons over you, over your children and your next generations, you shall burn in eternal fire


حاجی الان فقط به عشق تو عکس انداختم، چیزی دیگه تو جیبت نیست ما بیفتیم؟ یعنی بخوریم یکجوری زمین نتونیم دیگه پا بشیم؟ جون حاجی تو آخرشی: دم دستت چیز دیگه نیست؟ ده آخه باید بفهمونیم به خودمون ما آدمیم، حیوون نیستیم که، بگیم بابا حاجی داد دستمون خوردیم مردیم


آقا فکر کنم معنی چپ گوز شدن رو فقط زائیده گاییده تهرون میفهمه یعنی چی، آقا یک شب نشستیم با یه آشپزی دو تا شیشه شراب خوردیم، 4 تا آبجو،  پنج پیک ودکا و دوتا سیگاری بعدش کشیدیم. خلاصه دیدیم آشپز همچین سنگین وزن نیست رفتیم بعد نشستیم پیشه یه بنده خدا دیگه 6 گرم دماغی زدیم، خلاصه دیدیم نشد اینم آدم نیست باهاش نشستیم، داره هذیون میگه. خلاصه رفتم خونه یه تاکسی رون چهار گرم تریاک کشیدم باز دوباره آدم بشم، از اونجا پاشدم رفتم یکدفعه دیدم دیدم دیدم دیدم کنار خیابون یه همچین چیزی، مثل این عکس، سر گربه تن انسان داره به ما علامت میده: بیا اینور بیا اینور کارت دارم... آقا رفتیم خونش یک دفعه گرفتار شدم خوردم زمین و خندم گرفت، گفت: بچه تو آدمی یا فکر کردی مثل من حیوونی!؟ الان از دست من چه گوهی گرفتی خوردی؟ گفتم میاوو میاوو جنایت، میشم هااااا، بشم حیوون!؟ آقا اومدم بلند بشم باز خوردم زمین سرم گیج رفت، باز اومدم بلند بشم نشد خوردم زمین. گفتم کوسکش بخند بهم... خلاصه.... آدم هیچوقت حیوون نمیشه این رو از خودم فهمیدم..، تو هم راست میگی... ما آدمیم

White Eagle is a practicing Medicine Man

White Eagle is a practicing Medicine Man who has been blessed by the Great Spirit Father with both Healing and Vision Medicine. Being part Algonquin and Arapaho, He carries forward a mixture of both traditional and nontraditional Medicine techniques. Ever seeking to serve the will of The Great Spirit, White Eagle endeavors to enable all of the Great Spirit's children to learn of His love and in the many ways in which we may allow His Light and Love to enrichen our well-being and lives. Ever in a constant vigil in seeking ways to serve the Will of the Great Spirit, White Eagle has left the normal order of the societies that we live in to walk totally the path of a Shaman in order to embrace and help in the initiation of the New Order of the Great Spirit's Will and Consciousness in humankind. In the last period of time much information about the coming events as pertaining to the reawakening of Spirituality has been provided to Him by His guides, or Angels so to speak, as well as by The Creator Himself in order to bring forth a new and heightened life in the Spirit of each of His creation. This document is a product of this endeavor as given by the Great Spirit for him to do in answer to his prayer for guidance in his daily meditation. As a Shaman, White Eagle is a Priest, Healer, Teacher, Visionary, Counselor, and Ceremonial Leader but perhaps most important, a Guide in the way of discovering the Truth and Perfect Child within each of us.

there are people who turn my photos back and forth dozens of times and edit them, there are people who look cold and see nothing, fuck you both. last night I went through this gate again... mouse is not very happy about my life here, he wanted to keep me there, but he is not an authority and offered me to accept the invitation.

Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

there is only a cold smile for this grail photo, a sensational phenomenon and ultimate show: bounty a billion euros is a lot of money you bastard traitor, it ruins everything human, and empathy

خوشگل شو

آقا دیشب خواب دیدم، خواب ما هم از این قرار بود دو تا جن زشت بد ترکیب هیجان زده جلو من میرفتن اینور اونور، والا استار ترک گوزیده با ماسک زشت درست کردن، این دوتا خیلی فرازمینی بودن. احساس گرمی که به هم داشتیم مجبور کرد من رو خودمونی باهاشون حرف بزنم: چرا به خودتون نمیرسید؟ چرا با این زشتی میایین آشپزخونه من؟ خوشگل شو، خوشگل شو، خوشگل تر شو، خوشگل شو، زشت نباش، خوشگل شو. خلاصه یکیشون جوری خوشگل و تک خال شد که
 پلی بوی ریده بتونه همچین بی ناموس یزیدی بده بیرون. حالا ما امروز رفتیم کمد لباس در یک کهنه فروشی خریدیم و دوتا دختر هیپی اومدن آشپزخونه خریدن. لول... نمیدونم چرا واسم انقدر خوشگل شدن و آس به نظرم اومدن، والا بیست سال پیش گمشو گمشو میگفتیم، امروز جادوی تکخال شدن واسم

Vienna Austria has proven it: there is a billion Euro guaranteed bounty for one of us, for the whole family 5 billion bounty

photo is of a dervish from the 19th century Iran. If genetic research was possible in the 19th century then the statistics would be one million. Today less than 5000

today the statistics on the streets of Vienna were: 78there were 78 smiles, I think because of the middle little guy from my grail

انگیزه متن شعر: انگشتر و دستبند " گرونی ناواهو چروکی"

آقا یادم افتاد یک شعر بنویسم، رو دستمال توالت واسه خودم نوشتم، کو آدم که واسش رو کاغذ بنویسمش، ...

what I hate is: through radical hiv drug treatment this woman will soon get dementia and that is more paradise for her than I can bear: I actually hadn't done anything for 25 years, why is a stranger talking so much nonsense

this country this city is an organized mass murder campaign, in that the green party leftists and alternatives, social democrats and communists are the organizers. eight million people knew from 2006 that azadeh amiri is hiv positive, and i am a healthy man. until 2017 nobody said a word about it