Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

At least since 2002 we have not had anyone behind us, the fact is that the Austrian state has turned mass murder and torture, sterilization and psychological torture into a show and a business. We have no one, no one renounces Stasi money and the resulting prosperity

well, if you want to know exactly, I complained to Oracle about our remaining population on Planet of the Apes and mass murder. The earth belongs to us and not to this empathyless bastard

I just looked at the photo on my Alcatel phone, the matrix and the oracle and the visitor are clearly visible. Shame on you

baghali polo and gheyme eat europeans who are Iran experts or enthusiasts. those who know also know that both rahim amiri and nasser farahani were nobodies in iran, poverty line. why are they being made too human here is.......

to me say forces you are a human that for some are never attainable, and to Nasser Farahani and rahim amiri say people Human that have never eaten Bagahali Polo and Gheymeh. useless 0815 material Viennese Nazi officials

this is a rock art from Elam, water sign, there were and there are people that carry in themselves all DNA branches

The stone has a story to tell on all sides, actually about tribes, about shamans, druids, magoi, magicians, prophets and healers from different tribes: supernatural. (There is no better detailed photography)

Samstag, 15. Juni 2024

خوب ما بریم بخوابیم دیگه. آقا ما سر روانپریشی الان نمیریم بخوابیم ها، والا قرار دارم باید برم سر قرار. شما ها برین با یک سری عن و گوه کلاب و پارتی و دیسکو ما هم میریم جایی که نه تو رو راه میدن نه عن و گوه رو. گیر هم هستم نمیتونم بمونم، والا بریم یک سال تو کما این دیوانه ها این کوسکش ها معلوم نیست چه بلا های دیگه ای سر ما میارن که بیدارمون کنن: برگرد بیشرف بیا بیرون جاکش، مادر قحبه ده برگرد، چه گوهی داری اونجا میخوری ما کاری نکردیم، دروغ نگو بهشون، ما باید حرف بزنیم، ما باید بگیم کی هستیم، مگه تو آدمی؟ بیدار شو کوسکش... لول

the vienna police: there is no power in this world that can force us to work for vmat2! this epidemic and virus can also be felt in interpol, europol and the entire european police organization: building houses, cheap loans, and paying back with black money

for 3 years I have been showing a million year old marble with figures and characters, a vmat2 gene sign, no world religion is interested in it. it has the sign of gate opener. nobody is interested in it, do you know why? that is the reason for mass murders throughout history: creation origin

Today, the Viennese teaches Muslims how to treat shamans, shamanism and vmat2 with their families. In the case of active cyberterrorism, there are government subsidies, cheap loans and good jobs

I'm back, fuck yourself anti vmt2 nazi austria.. you highly current racial madness asshole

Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

I have to go to sleep, but before that: 85% of foreign criminals and cyber terrorists are not even assimilated, just criminals and murderous Asians, Africans and Orientals, one of them my own cousin Mohsen, or my own uncle Ghassem: long-time drug dealer, long-time criminal, long-time nothing. murderous assholes waiting for a reward

I am currently being insulted by Austrians between the ages of 12 and 30, the parents were already ill in 1998, what do you think the children turned out to be? these parents raised girls and boys alongside Iranians and others in Vienna. the foreign children have turned out weirder than the Austrians: we need a lot more money from the SPÖ for more important projects: money for the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, against xenophobia, we can't work without a salary

there has only been one reaction to grail photos in the last 3 years: are you addicted to drugs? after the guy has been reading for 5 years. that means i don't see a mother dragon and a whore, not even on your website where you think the quality of the photos is better there

Sand pits usually serve as garbage dumps later on. Over the last seven years I have taken grains of sand piece by piece to create space, space for the garbage that was thrown at me. Seventh vmat2 generation: Magoi and 7 ancestors

because of this blood and veins this bastard sick tribes call for international boycott, jews boycott, jew-armenian boycott, because of my blood and veins, sick scum bastard dirt, inferior animal origin, shitty brains, bastard sick brains

the vienna police have been fucking us since 1998 because of our origin and race and everyone is watching, they want to kill us and are waiting for absolute silence

thousands of stored brains and organs are from the oriental vmat2 race, what do you mean Jews and Israel? When did Israel confront you about brains and organs?

For 25 years, Vienna, with the help of the UN, Amnesty International and all human rights organizations, has educated and taught Austria like garbage: we have to observe foreigners of unidentifiable race and origin. A billion euro bounty was established in this way: we have to secretly spy on and observe the race everywhere. Drawing 1945 Mauthausen, rock art Elam Iran

Austrians want to kill me with courage and bravery: we have done nothing. and this is supported internationally: Austria has done nothing. even if I never visit a restaurant, coffeehouse, bistro, McDonald's or Burger King, the Austrians will find a way to kil me by chemical poisoning

the case yours is mine is such a bad case that the state commissioned brothels and pimps to deliver condoms with my sperm to police and secret services, "his is mine". I gave up condoms because of this sick state

Before I go: In 1946, Vienna signed hundreds of papers as Austrofascism: never again will I say yours is mine and my property, sick Americans and Englishmen left the brains, organs and hands as his. Today, Austrofascism says: his private life is ours, we don't give a shit about his brain and arm! Americans and Englishmen again and again

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

I have to go, but: Austrofascism is the deepest childish envy and hatred: this is mine and this is yours is a common behavior already in kindergarten, but some time later the development: why isn't yours mine? I have nothing, mine will never be yours. In my case and an Austrian: my mother and sister, my girlfriend and my wife will never be yours, the women in my country will never be yours either, because your genes and biology are not mine either

Ambition for storage of brains arms and organs, between 1918 and 1932 statistically 80% of the Austrian Jewish community were of oriental origin and immigrants

Austria has stored hundreds of thousands of vmat2 brains since the second world war, mainly god genes/vmat2 brains. It had little to do with being Jewish. Today the government and the entire state apparatus is oriented towards vmat2 mass murder, disenfranchisement, torture and sterilization, nobody reports anything or protests against it. Because of these brain storage facilities, not even

bertolt brecht prose I, the fascinating part is kin-jeh's sister. what is brecht reporting about!? good night

مادرتون رو سگ... ... رفتم یه سه تا ویترین کتاب خریدم، جریان اینه که در آن خانه ای که این سه ویترین بوده وصاحب قبلی برای شش کتابخانه یک کلید داشته، ما هم گیر افتادیم. در کنار ما یک اتریشی هم از آن خانه دو ویترین خریده و کلید ولی دست اتریشی افتاه و یک هفته است در چشم ما نگاه میکند و میگوید: من هم کتاب هایم خارج از ویترین بیرون مانده و کلید را پیدا نمیکنم. حالا این اگر سو‌ژه فیلم مسعود کیمیایی میشد فیلم اسمش این میشد: راز کتاب.. و ما هم در آخر جنازه! آخه چرا کلید رو یک ساعت نمیدی ما در این ویترین را باز کنیم؟ آقا طرف پانصد کتاب داشت، من در کنار ویترین از این مجموعه یک دانه کتاب خریدم، اتریشیه همه 499 تا کتاب رو خرید، این یک دونه شاف کون شده طرف به ما کلید نمیده.... لول لول لول

these two girls that I showed today are sitting firmly on the ground and barricading all legal paths: we are convinced cyber terrorists and Stasi finance supporters: EASIER life through VMAT2 TORTURE, sterilization and mass murder

I'll tell you one thing: I was very confident in myself and my bloodline as a child. We lived in a house in Tehran. The guest room had a high ceiling of 6 meters, covered with glass. The idea was to attach climbing plants in pots to pillars so that they covered the entire ceiling. But they grew very slowly and hardly moved. I decided on a two-week plan: I drank 5 liters of water a day and pissed in the pots 4 times a day. The result: after two months the guest room looked like a jungle.! Allah o akbar,