Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

میگم، حتی از کارمندان رتبه پایین اداره بهزیستی سوال کنی نظرت در مورد این دسیسه چیه میگه: نامسلمان های بی ناموس رو باید میکشتی. آخوند کونده هنوز نشسته میگه هم دزدی حلال بوده هم کوسکشی

I proved the antiques from 2008 that were stolen from me, all my relatives, all Viennese Iranians, all Austrian judges, police officers, politicians were on live broadcast, theft conflict and betting: who will he kill first, how many will he kill!?

In 2017, when four prosecutors ordered that all my accusations are irrelevant, confused and not provable, it is forbidden for you to file criminal charges against Azadeh Amiri again, I realized: attempted murder, by poison or accident. Since 2017 I have been writing: you racial murderer, you mass murderer, you filthy Nazi animal, you Mauthausen bastard, you scum of the Nazi state, you filthy Austrofascist pig

For 7 years this community grin has not stopped, not until today, it is hereditary, today a 17 year old girl passed me like that, seven years ago she was 10

for years my mother has been asking me what is that above your head all the time? my answer was always: Human Rights Watch! she doesn't believe me that the spirit of the bird can take over her body again and sometimes visit us

now seriously, the conversation: kill and I glorify with red salon carpet. fucking 45 years iran austria friendship

the camera white balance setting is crucial, timing is everything. Cobra Gate and the snake woman. a myth in many cultures. I also have the dating and time option activated, at what time and date

حاجی دیشب رفتم جهنم شکایت، گفتم ریدم به اون ولایت، گفت چی میگی لاشی؟ اینورا؟ گفتم بگم ای امت ریدم به کوس عمت قبوله؟ آقا پرتم کرد بیرون وگفت برو لجن بد دهن.... آقا این اهریمنی ها قیافشون گول میزنه خیلی سوسولن. جدی میگم جن کونی سوسول آکادمیک میره رو مخ...

In 2002, SPÖ president Fischer passed by us in the first district and whispered in his wife's ears: there are some Roma in their family, we've already got them in our pockets. The billion-dollar vmat2 bounty business

میگم عتیقه فروشی داشتیم ها، ببین به چه روزی افتادیم، داریم ارواح عتیقه تر از خودمون میکشیم بیرون. پدر جاکش عمو کوسکش عمه پفیوز خاله دیوانه، فامیل آشغال،.. فاشیسم هم داره میچره با جنده ها و کوسکش های دهاتی ترکمون ... شاشیدم تو روح همتون

آقا جریان سر گوسفند است، مردم میگن گوسفند قربانی کردیم و حلال است، این هم با دستش اشاره میکنه و میگه:، پس گوسفند قربانی کردید!؟

so, i don't think that this is the liberation of the patriarchs, and that the lion-shaped creature with cat eyes is hades. that is another story from the dead realm

well, my friend habib is also not enthusiastic about light and flash and camera, he will soon send me money for equipment, I bet it will be in the form of a book, Jewish book 15th century, unique rare piece, first edition signed.

sleep was long but hearty with E T. such beautiful blue eyes. why do poores energy and spirit have eyes? eye is an organ, it is biological, but why do ghosts and spirits have eyes?

Montag, 17. Juni 2024

I can't sleep and look at the photos from September 2023, I think I never posted the photo, absolute shaman photo: forest spirit mythical creature and girl in crystal

we live in a Europe where the police want to burn us alive, everyone is silent, everyone is convinced: only Evolution biological origin is human. you only get your civil rights with correct DNA and genetic origin

I'm taking photos of the grail again today, but with my smartphone, I can't get any good pictures with my tablet. I'll post the photos tomorrow. good night

why does islam no longer have a say in this case, whether here or in iran? a woman with dozens of lovers, a father and a mother and two brothers as pimps of her sister establish: mass sterilization torture death and murder, birth control and HARAM finance. because unhealthy origin, evolution animal origin sits in mosques. like 1849-1919 iran

I have not set foot in a mosque, synagogue or church in the last 25 years, I am afraid of myself, I am actually afraid that I will set it on fire. There is no one left, no rabbi or ayatollah mufti or priest or bishop that you could call human, or just of healthy origin. So for me all these buildings, houses and churches are Ahrimanism, whoever prays prays to Satan, whoever sings sings for Ahriman and whoever beats themselves beats themselves for Ahriman. Islam has become completely useless, with the 1% of what is left of our origin. It is only used and exploited for satanic purposes and rituals, just look at Iran

آقا ما ۱۸ سالمون بود یک چیزی فهمیدیم، مادر قحبه تر و بیشرف تر از عن ناصر فراهانی هیچ کجا دنیا واسه ما پیدا نمیشه! یک دوره دیده خارکوسده که فقط ترس و واهمه از یک چیزی داشت: ما بفهمیم کیه و چیه جریانش! لول... خلاصه رفتم بلافاصله همون زمان آزاده رو گرفتم. از همون زمان هم دختر علی اسلامی گیلانی و بابک و همایون و شاهین و علی و نقی و تقی علیرضا ها و ممدرضا هارو گرفت زیر دستش، که: لول.. آی این نمیتونه من رو فلان کنه تو بیا، فلانش کمه تو بیا، فردا هم اون یکی، امروز صبح هم این یکی، فرود هم امشب، باری شب یک ساعت میاد خونه ما من بعدش میام جنگل پایین خونه، هستی؟ ! گفتیم پس هیچی دیگه آبشار نیاگارا وسط پاشه همه عن هارو وسط پاش غرق میکنه ما هم جان سالم بدر میبریم، والا هرکی سر تیپ و قیافه و وضع با ما بد بود و مشکل داشت با این دختره میشد نجات غریق تاپ مدل، دختر کش، کازانووا. مادر جنده و جنده و عن ها سه عنصر کافی هستن در زندگی برای یک متن: اگر گفتی کدوم متن؟

Pig has destroyed 25 years of my life and walks on the streets like a hero, run-of-the-mill Nazi pig. Dirty fake standard inferior pig, subhuman pig, scum dirty garbage, it walks next to me on the streets like a hero and winner and says you JEW! Biologically sick garbage

we live in a Europe where the police want to burn us alive, everyone is silent, everyone is convinced: only Evolution biological origin is human. you only get your civil rights with correct DNA and genetic origin

there is only one type of international judge who rejects everything even if you put 600 violations of the law before him: suicide darwinist fascist. convinced mass murderer and vmat2 killer

I was out of the house for 30 minutes today and have taken 3 tramadol tablets so far to calm myself down. Who wants to hear first hand jocks until 10 o'clock in the evening? Tramadol 100 is heavy

پیر کفتار ۴۵ سال نشسته خارج از کشور، تنها نتیجه گیری که ما از کار اینها کردیم این بود: ایلامی رو بکشید پایین خودتون رو بکشید بالا، تنها شانس زندگی خارج از کشور اینه: ما آدمیم. آخرش هم جریان ما این میشه با این جوجه های فرح: خشتک میکشم رو سرتون یاسین رو ببرید زندان، تا این بیشرف باربد زندست به یاسین چکار دارید؟ به ما چه شیر خشک نبود تر بود، این رفته فاحشه خونه، این زندانی داره.. اونجا که رفته چیز تر نیست بلکه خشکه پولیه، درده، زوره، جنایت این بیشرفه نه ما نه یاسین

earning money illegally with motives race ethnicity vmat2 is the second national socialism. the tragic: farah diba visited my mother at her workplace in the iranian ministry of culture, there are 12 photos with our king, arian farah, howeida and jimi carter with my mother. today romano gypsy aryan farah says: these iranian women are subhuman not aryan. it is a post-revolution phenomenon introduced by ayatollah khomeini

secret camera actions and private life trade with fake material and doppelgängers is RACIAL MUTILATION STERILIZATION AND MASS MURDER

it is a phenomenon, no perpetrator asshole is afraid of death, only of one thing: determining the origin of the illegal money

the vienna police call it a democratic decision like in 1932, subhuman opinions are democratic decisions, fascistoids nothing and 0815 has a uniform opinion, subhuman NAZI garbage

Every day I am confronted with people earning less than 2500 euros who have wanted nothing else for 24 years than this: stay below our standards. For 24 years