Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

I have to go to sleep, but if you use ISIS methods and put 20 Austrians in a row, then only number 21 will talk and act, it will provide evidence. Sick country with goals and mass murder attempt on a global level. Second World War madness and mental state

I will present some concepts, some projects, and inventions: I had the potential to become a multimillionaire from 2002. Austria distributed all the compensation money worldwide as hush money because of NS re-activation

Shiism was romance, love, compassion, empathy, purity.For 600 years, pure Islamic fascism ruled and still rules in Iran. Who are the perpetrators?

an Indian was next to me today, when he saw me eating sausage and bread he came up to me and asked about my sugar levels, I said it was 300 to 600, today it's 120 to 200. He then said in German: do you have a wife and child? I nodded no, he then said: Kir (he said it emphatically in Farsi) will soon no longer work, never take a wife. I switched around for a while and then he started again: you can activate your pancreas with certain breathing exercises. Then I said: you Indians have ruined everything in Iran from the 15th century to today, culture, language, traditions, eating habits, genes, DNA and everything else, then he got really black: you killed more Indians with NADER SHAH than anyone else... you are racists LOL

whoever laughs more deserves an even better wealthier life...

whoever laughs more deserves an even better wealthier life

whoever laughs at my other 38 projects and concepts inventions deserves a better, wealthier life

Many characters and personalities in my grail scenes have eye pupils. Whoever laughs wins in this monkey theater, so the capital fascists: whoever laughs wins a better life

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024

I have to go and take photos again tomorrow, but this collective behavior can be explained in the branch of sociobiology: I am ready to die for an idea and a goal. A collective statement

I deliberately say subhuman: it wants to die like in the Stalingrad case. It wants to die, and I am supposed to be the perpetrator. They have no testicles for suicide and call on Russians in Ukraine and me in Vienna to kill them. Because they are subhuman without testicles. Filthy suicides

azadeh had the state contract for more than a decade secret camera live broadcast and a Nazi christian wants to die: what is her name? I don't know any azadeh amiri

Austria was a sick subhuman Nazi animal and today it is one, incorrigible. It laughs with its Christian Rassers and Alexanders and Phillips, MICHAELS, it laughs and says you are inferior to an African in Vienna. Because of VMT2, because of ethnicity, because of DNA and biology

there is no point in talking or discussing with these subhuman races, a slaughter maneuver that we demand from EMAM Zaman, the messiah, is the only way. eradication of subhuman scum Nazi race, killer race, genocide bastards

Christian Rasser said: the whole thing may have something to do with fascism but not with national socialism, Austria is not a Nazi. LOL"National Socialism" has referred to combinations of nationalist and socialist ideas in German-speaking countries since around 1860. It also includes social Darwinism

this society has become this society: we won't leave you alone unless you kill someone: because Viennese women want revenge on my sister and mother: we have garbage between our legs and you have a VMAT2 uterus.

there are many atheists like christian in the country who annoy me every day, they manipulate as manipulative state agents everywhere, they annoy because these monkeys are tired of life. christian is also tired of life, he annoys as a nazi and fascist

inferior subhuman bastards, inferior nazi pig animals, dirtiest existence, dirtiest inferiority feeling and biology, scum subhuman, racial torturer mass murderer, racial murderer. bastard subhuman scum

A Christian Rasser sat next to me today and talked about it: there is only one thing left: to flee from Austria! This is what he means by that: we live in democracy, justice, equality and the rule of law and the only anti-democratic being is you

this system is national socialism against VMAT2 race, "jews Armenian blood", Austrians no longer pass me by as fascists or anti-semites but as inferior NAZI, evolution animals, like inferior apes

Before I go: when they examined Gaddafi's body they found that his organs were as fresh as a 30 year old. I just wanted to say that because lynching is always based on madness and absurdity

I have to go. But: If I had had these problems from 2009 to 2012, the Amiri clan would say: smokers and unemployed people get diabetes... and the judges would nod their heads proudly. The fact that I cost the state zero euros between 1988 and 2009 and never asked for money was like a stone in the shoes of Austrians! I was never registered as unemployed until 2009 and never asked for anything, not even health insurance or anything like that. Photo: Today