Donnerstag, 12. September 2024

As an independent unorthodox researcher, I can prove and also evaluate genearchaeological findings correctly and understandably: Persians were or are very rare specimens from the time that nobody wants to prove. Execution of Cosmas and Damian clan, the astronaut race that amputated legs and sewed them back together

it is obvious that before I activated the grail, I collected stones. when I talk about astronauts and Caesar, then I also have proof that the grail race landed on earth before the emergence of "evolutionary man" when primates still walked on four legs, and we are the children of Perses, the father of Persian kings and Persian aristocracy

in Austria there are also shamanic stone compositions, temples and ritual places, the only problem is that it belongs to a time that does not harmonize with evolutionary history. Tablet Foto Raw. Stones from vienna favoriten district

I think if I open several gates in Stonehenge I will be the only one admitted to Avalon. 5000 Viennese can travel with me, I would like to see what would happen to these 5000. I have a hunch: the state would mourn 5000 squashed, deformed corpses

They voluntarily sewed themselves between their legs, kissing without sex is a cyber torture side effect. Today I'm fresh again with a sugar level of 85

In 2010 I was organizing protests in front of the Iranian embassy, ​​what I couldn't manage and fought against was my weight, about 114-117. It took me seven years of dieting to get to 110. From 2017 to today our apartment has never been empty without us, one of us guards the apartment every day, no one can get in. Since 2019 my weight has not changed at all: 75-80. Bad mixed insulin is poison for healthy people, it makes you overly fat, and after a while you become diabetic. And I'm talking about terrorism and attempted murder: poisoning

I don't have a sensor anymore, I used up the last one, when you bleed the values ​​are honest. With the sensor, my maximum value was 95 in the morning on an empty stomach. Anyway, yesterday I went to Burger King and ate a big whooper, I came home and ate a lot of schnitzel, bread and potatoes, a nut chocolate for dessert, well, a little high. It's already the 9th week without insulin, tablets and medication. … Hooray, hooray, it's a holi-holiday... What a world of fun for everyone (holi-holiday)Hooray, hooray, it's a holi-holiday.... Sing a summer song, skip along (holi-holiday)It's a holi-holiday

Mittwoch, 11. September 2024

I have to go to sleep, but I guess Rome made some rich and those that have become rich have promised the lower classes of society wealth when the whole Cosmas and Damian Clan dies. Nobody said no despite a toothache, abdominal ache, headache or loss of appetite. good night

I sometimes look at this painting "The details of the beheading of Cosmas and Damian. This happened despite:Offering healing, service, advice, medicines for free.

What Caesar did with two astronauts (Cosmas and Damian) at the time is still discussed today: What do we do with Austronauts? By Austronauts I mean: scientifically not explained phenomenon, inexplicable medical healing, paranomal phenomena, gate openers

I'm on the road and forgot to write down in the morning: that means I wouldn't survive a jungle safari. Monkeys are aggressive towards me, especially that our chemistry and electromagnetic radiation are hostile. So the same thing as in Vienna would happen, a gorilla crushes my head, chimpanzees bite off my fingers, and orangutan tears away my testicles and examines the balls

Dienstag, 10. September 2024

Persian artifacts are visual language and scientific report of the highest level, mostly the tribes are presented with animal symbols: vegetarians and carnivores

Science has made enough progress in biochemistry, sociobiology and collective behavior, microbiology, the brain and the database of the brain and genes: many tribes are semitic murder and mass murder oriented, like robots. Chemistry and electromagnetism generate antipathy, hostility, murderous intent. Anyone who talks about theory and not proven is a pig, a bastard

I have to go, but there is the root: Antichrist Dan Tribe and 79s Iranian Dirty Duck Clan: Mass Murderer Ahmadinejad and Ayatollahs

it is about torture and murder and all Viennese human rights organizations have refused to report anything and have silenced everyone: these human rights violations are causing enormous damage to Europe. the victims are inferior and not worth this whole conflict and escalation

The reason why I haven't asked anyone for help for seven years is that everyone is having a fit of weakness because of corrupt and purchasable journalism. It's about torture and murder and many are paralyzed because of journalists.

Ali rahimi, ahmadinejad, Michael Häupl, SPÖ, övp, sebastian kurz, Javad zarif, Kern. All in vmat2 destruction and mass murder syndicate. fuck you terror state Austria

I have to go to sleep, but I have been writing daily for 7 years and condemning this country for suspending the Austrian constitution, human rights and civil rights when it comes to vmat2 and Iranian semites, the only reaction so far: we are not perpetrators and are innocent, the accusations and lies of barbad farahani are of a criminal nature and he should be punished and arrested.

left behind in the 10th district, Otto Probst Street, opposite the forest. we lived on this street for 7 years. a lot of messages were left there for me, underground and above ground. apparently I have an important universal task and many enemies. these shaman messages warn of attempted murder

Since 1979, Iran and Iranian people have experienced a permanent killing machine with the most absurd accusations and convictions, these methods, Cyberfolter Stasi business in Europe and America or in the West countries is the final solution with the help of Austria

Montag, 9. September 2024

every european american and others that sees iranian semites, vmat2 and native tribes as a financial project and turns them into cyber torture financial project should be punished and arrested. the ayatollahs won't allow it. that to explain my statement dirty 1979 fuck

I have to go, I am but Nice Great Iranian, not after dirty fuck Iranian.

I have to go to sleep, but I am as strong as Merlin and can set up a mega gate in Stonehenge. a native Iranian. yes, an Iranian

I have often shown these phone calls and brought them to the topic: no need was the answer until today. You can also hear Merlin hunters obsessed with paganism: no need either

in the louvre museum there is a painting, the surroundings of this ball are signs of genocide. has anyone thought what this core in the ball is? like my chinese ringing meditation balls. ring ring, ring ring phone, phone

It doesn't matter whether they're German or Austrian, they're religious racial exterminators and mass murderers, that's what history says. In our case, those sitting or standing outside are only looking at the money! How much money will be collected in the future and how will it be distributed?

this hatred towards me and my family is indescribable, especially towards my sister and mother, only bastards sit outside the borders, keep quiet and laugh about it. only bastards, a bastard doesn't necessarily have to be a fascist, but abysmally dirty zombie, actually thoughtless bastards who laugh about everything, they are more careless, cheaper and less useful than fascists. fascism is at least a direction, philosophy, view, position. you scum