Freitag, 13. September 2024

نیاز مادی و نیاز معنوی،.. ولی حیف که دنیا جاکش شده:.. پول مفت بدید بهمون، ما میدونیم چکار کنیم، آره؟، کثافت پستاندار

خلاصه حاجی اینجاست که یه گوشه از مثنوی یه چیزی میگه که باید گوش کنی، ما هم گفتیم چشم. اگر بگی کدومش بر میگردم ایران مارو بکشی. اگه گفتی کدومش حاجی!؟ با اون پسر لندهورت

A poisoned body cannot be helped, it takes 6 months to detoxify the body from negative fatty acids and other stuff that has settled in the body, a clean body needs another 6 months to ask the pancreas to start working again, it is very whining, sometimes their revenge is destruction itself, so it kills you, so cancer. This revenge is incurable. I brought myself to 67 kilos and built back up to 80, and after that it took a while

the last 7 days of my sensor and my glucose average, I make an offer: at the moment Dr. JASON FUNG is an absolute top idea to reduce or cure diabetes. try it, if it doesn't work contact Bari Djun. I don't need Dr. tittel because I don't see anyone in the position to decide to give me a tittel

Over 80 percent of oriental women are mentally ill without realizing it, in Europe less than 50%. The topic is security, financial independence, and financial cushion. In this case, the Austrian state, a European state, promises security and offers financial independence to Iranian women and Austrian women, through the vmat2 cyber stasi torture system.

آخه به مرد اروپایی که میرسن تازه تعبیر خواب هواپیما میکنن: با فیلیپ دیشب با هم بودیم، خوابی دیدم که اصلا نمیدونی چی بود، هواپیما داشت می افتاد ولی من نمی افتادم یه چیزی از پشت من رو سفت گرفته بود نمیگذاشت بیفتم، امنیت داشتم. منظور خانم: ما از ماتحت بله، حال کردیم

This state has made money for 25 years through Stasi cyber torture.The loyalty of a girlfriend was bought, the loyalty of the whole Relatives/family and all social circles was bought. With special requests and orders: never give him oral sex, never give him anal sex, never satisfy him the way he wants. A billion dollar project in Europe

and of course Iran and the Ayatollah regime: that can't be a creation, we've seen a lot! my question is: what was the story with the imams and the prophet in harems? no oral sex? no demand for anal sex? doesn't it say in Islam: when a woman has her period she is obliged to satisfy a man anally or orally? when the penis was simulated with the hand to become erect was it a sin? did the imam and prophet never take their penises in their hands as a sign of masculinity? of course if you have to serve over a hundred women you won't have time for masturbation

who is it that looks at me from this gate? I live in a 1.6 million capital that was brought up to answer: nothing, like you, not worthy of human rights, not worthy of citizenship because of your origins

آقا ما بریم، ولی خلاصه آزاده خانم هم مثل پتیاره ورپریده های بی فندک داره هنوز تو شهر راه میره و به مردم میگه: من اگر میدونستم باری از این کارها بلده خوب روانی بازی دیگه باهاش در میاوردم، من رو ببخشید، اشتباه از من بود مردم، اگر راضی هستین مامانم یه خونه اسپانیا خریده بعضی وقتها بریم اونجا بهمون خوش بگذره اون رو میتونیم پس بدیم، پولش رو پس میدیم

this photo from the grail is worth as much as a small car, look at the networks since 2022: we have to smash him, crush him and demolish him so that he is not worthy of a human rights violation.

I suffer from permanent schizophrenia and nonstop stress, actually it usually causes nervous breakdowns which makes living with others in an apartment impossible. The answer from SPÖ Wiener Wohnen: the arguments are not sufficient to process an urgent case, so we are sorry, no apartment

there is only 1 honest catholic among 5000 austrian churchgoers. the joke: 5000 stalkers and torturers are sitting there because of this one austrian outsider: and making him the laughing stock of the city. that is vienna

Since the early 60s there has been a parallel society, Austria-American harmony. Americans living in Vienna, and the number is increasing. This is the idea alongside the Nazi rat line solution: Satanism becomes freedom of religion, rituals Aleister Crowley practices and actions are not fascism, but freedom. Look at thousands of American women in Vienna, mostly hidden in Viennese Protestant churches

Donnerstag, 12. September 2024

I just woke up, the voices from the grail are sending warnings, several nazi syndicate networks in vienna are planning illegal steps against my person with the aim of murder as the end result. Watch the entire public prosecutor's office, police, judges and all political parties for the next 8 weeks: vienna is planning torture murder with state power after psychological short-term war

Reaction of the Viennese, the educated and academics, the cyber Nazi terrorists: HEIL AFFENGEIL, WIR SAND GEIL

Read these reports from Greece and Rome carefully, your historians, magician race, healers, prophets, magic/miracle workers are not part of evolutionary humans, supernatural has a history.

As an independent unorthodox researcher, I can prove and also evaluate genearchaeological findings correctly and understandably: Persians were or are very rare specimens from the time that nobody wants to prove. Execution of Cosmas and Damian clan, the astronaut race that amputated legs and sewed them back together

it is obvious that before I activated the grail, I collected stones. when I talk about astronauts and Caesar, then I also have proof that the grail race landed on earth before the emergence of "evolutionary man" when primates still walked on four legs, and we are the children of Perses, the father of Persian kings and Persian aristocracy

in Austria there are also shamanic stone compositions, temples and ritual places, the only problem is that it belongs to a time that does not harmonize with evolutionary history. Tablet Foto Raw. Stones from vienna favoriten district

I think if I open several gates in Stonehenge I will be the only one admitted to Avalon. 5000 Viennese can travel with me, I would like to see what would happen to these 5000. I have a hunch: the state would mourn 5000 squashed, deformed corpses

They voluntarily sewed themselves between their legs, kissing without sex is a cyber torture side effect. Today I'm fresh again with a sugar level of 85

In 2010 I was organizing protests in front of the Iranian embassy, ​​what I couldn't manage and fought against was my weight, about 114-117. It took me seven years of dieting to get to 110. From 2017 to today our apartment has never been empty without us, one of us guards the apartment every day, no one can get in. Since 2019 my weight has not changed at all: 75-80. Bad mixed insulin is poison for healthy people, it makes you overly fat, and after a while you become diabetic. And I'm talking about terrorism and attempted murder: poisoning

I don't have a sensor anymore, I used up the last one, when you bleed the values ​​are honest. With the sensor, my maximum value was 95 in the morning on an empty stomach. Anyway, yesterday I went to Burger King and ate a big whooper, I came home and ate a lot of schnitzel, bread and potatoes, a nut chocolate for dessert, well, a little high. It's already the 9th week without insulin, tablets and medication. … Hooray, hooray, it's a holi-holiday... What a world of fun for everyone (holi-holiday)Hooray, hooray, it's a holi-holiday.... Sing a summer song, skip along (holi-holiday)It's a holi-holiday

Mittwoch, 11. September 2024

I have to go to sleep, but I guess Rome made some rich and those that have become rich have promised the lower classes of society wealth when the whole Cosmas and Damian Clan dies. Nobody said no despite a toothache, abdominal ache, headache or loss of appetite. good night

I sometimes look at this painting "The details of the beheading of Cosmas and Damian. This happened despite:Offering healing, service, advice, medicines for free.

What Caesar did with two astronauts (Cosmas and Damian) at the time is still discussed today: What do we do with Austronauts? By Austronauts I mean: scientifically not explained phenomenon, inexplicable medical healing, paranomal phenomena, gate openers

I'm on the road and forgot to write down in the morning: that means I wouldn't survive a jungle safari. Monkeys are aggressive towards me, especially that our chemistry and electromagnetic radiation are hostile. So the same thing as in Vienna would happen, a gorilla crushes my head, chimpanzees bite off my fingers, and orangutan tears away my testicles and examines the balls