Sonntag, 5. Januar 2025

you see, sent by God, into this chaos he led me where I want to go, I have fulfilled my task in Istanbul

this eternal psychosis is my paradise: I can kiss Amy's hands, massage her feet and give her a blowjob once a day

God knows me better than I know myself, that's why he gave me the freedom: fuck yourself as you want, you know what happens and the goals. He will never hear me moaning from the eternal psychosis matrix

or was it patrik? or Michael? are you god, you fucking state? or some inferior shit with question marks?

or it is scientific, we have genetically evaluated barbad, keep him away from whoever

metaphysics is a script, not a scientific calculation, a Persian poetry, a hafiz, shams, onsori, a jalal, and mola sadra and dozens of others

original sin and the conception of Mary is a topic that I will only answer with a script. fuck your dogma

this foursome fuck is metaphysics shity world, which sperm will be the winner, what does god want?

yeah baby, I said Amer I'm drinking the brown, I'm getting worse than fucking Rosemary's baby fuck

fuck your mother, it was a romance and foursome, but not that you'll become a billionaire, you scum.

really, did my lord die and become a martyr so that you in cologne could become just one church worth 5 billion euros asshole? I piss and shit on the country

in any case, Amer says: the end of vodka bottle is brown like the glass pipe end heating, do not consume it, it will destroy you

شهید شدم به مولا، خود عامر داره میبینه نونش رو کی خورد

حاجی من ریدم به مملکتی که هر کی شهید شد نونش رو یکی دیگه خورد، بیناموس

پروانه یه بار گفتم سلام؟ یا حالت چطوره؟، والا، میخواستم؟، نه! میدونی چرا؟ به من چه! از زمانی که مجید مرد شما ها به من ربطی ندارید، جون تو خودش گفت، بچه بودم گفت باری من رفتم بر نگشتم تو هم برو، بر نگرد، میدونی چرا؟ خودی ها مثل تو, محسن، مهدی کشتنش!

خلاصه،آخر مستی و راستی: میگه یه پسر عمه داشتی به اسم مجید، ‌آدم بود، بقیه همه از بیخ عن. اونی که آدم بود چی کشید بالا؟ عن مارو نه عن تورو،. جون تو، کی شهید شد کی نونش رو خورد

Yes, godfather, I've lived here too long not to understand the signs, but also your presence for 30 years. Who is more fuck than these Austrians? An Angelina who wants to condemn Turkish women? Why should I shake my head like you when I know everything?

godfather, what would you think about hansi? the father fritzi dies and hansi the son sells his estate: hänkel specimens: brain, caper fish and poisonous snake, and then a poster and sadam hussein next to gdr flags: i only see vienna secret service, and you?

Hansi, those are my balls, leave it and go to sleep with your darling, Gerti is the only one who kisses your balls! No one else

Hansi, this Picasso also said: what you don’t understand leave alone, I’ll paint it for you

kiwara, the secret formula is haribo gummy bears, how long do I fuck you in police headquarters? 2001 nazi? do you know how many bets austria has lost!? 57 attacks

do you know Therese? Therese sat down next to me on the Danube when I was drinking a lot, she looked at me and said: when you look at me with your eyes then it's Christmas, birthdays, Easter and party! well, I only knew Therese for half an hour and said: come on, make me babies. I think she had twins, not the first time, but the second time after 3 weeks! Does anyone know Therese with 3 children from Upper Austria? I didn't ask for ID or... mm. Therese you asshole let my children shit dino piles, I'll find them

who wants to stay another 2 hours until I turn Ötzi into potato chips? the upside down Nazi club

Some people ask themselves: which magical crystals are in tzatziki? well, not what you think: otherwise I would be with (...) to see how clever she is, she has a heart problem and is not allowed to kiss lips that make her hiper, she would have a heart attack! she has always been clever up to now. it is something that an idiot made so that the pipe remains empty. in every chaos there is order if you know the order! I call this idiot: a rare Slovak butterfly idiot, wou wou wou tijjj tijjj tijjj and hurikannnnnn

Jesus has been an endless love story for thousands of years, the world needs another one like it!

so I think I managed it, it just needed some tobacco ash, smoke, vitamin C "magic crystals" and salt in yogurt and cucumber mixture. next to vodka it is medicine and not a haram action, the first half of the quarter was without, but then with

yes, yes ayatollah sarcasm of imam ali must be understood on his death day: I am going out, but look at the geese already dare because of my death

what does the world misunderstand when I say older than the dinosaurs!?

So I promised Amer, if someone else comes on stage like Amy sings and slaps on her pussy and says to the world the messiah is here baby, leave us alone, then I'll stay young and not drink vodka

No Joe, 9/11 was new, our (..) the Bosnian pyramids PiCKA was useless but still effective. Amy would sing what for the PICKA? you took him away from me because you like kindergarten boom boom?