Dienstag, 7. Januar 2025

well, why are everyone gathering here and discussing it? It's more serious and philosophical than anyone thinks. A whole city wants to kill victims with important evidence in hand! .... between aggression and reason, hatred, kindness, there will soon be a compromise, I promise!

والا درآمد ما اونجا زیاد بود، ماه سوم درآمدم ۱۸۵۰۰ دلار بود، البته دروغ نگم پانصدی آخری رو این جاکش لانساروتی به ما داد. علتش هم این بود: هلند کاری به ما نداشت، چشم هم به دهن ما ندوخته بود، بغیر از اتریشی و آلمانی در اسپانیا، نه در آلمان نه در اتریش بلکه در اسپانیا.

‌حضرت آدم

ما هنوز بیداریم، میگم زیاد کسی با ما بد نیستش که، حالا یک سری دشمن خونخوار هستن، ولی تو که با ما دشمنی نداشتی، خوشت هم میومد از ما، ولی پول توش زیاده، تو: بدی، دشمنی، زرنگی، حرافی، توطئه، لجن پراکنی، هوچی گری، نفاق به پا کردن، نفاق اجتماعی. راستش فرودگاه ماسپالوماس نشسته بودم، از ترسم هم میخوابیدم اونجا، دیدم بچه های هلندی گناه دارن برم خونشون. خلاصه هتل هم امنیت نداشت، یکدفعه یک پاسبان اومد پنجاه یورو بهم داد و گفت: آدم اینجا نمیخوابه، تو آدمی برو هتل پولش از من! لبخند زدم گفتم پول نمیتونم بگیرم، ولی فقط امشب اینجا میمونم فردا نمیام دیگه. چندی نگذشت و طرف با ۵ تا از سران فرودگاه و پلیس اومدن با خنده، گفتم پیش خودم بفرما کیر به خود زدن یعنی این، الان پرتم میکنن بیرون! همین هم شد نفری پنجا یورو گذاشتن تو ساکم و گفتن: برو هتل، مثل آدم بخواب، اینجا زشته واسه قد و قواره تو! هیچی، بلند شدیم رفتیم سوار کشتی شدیم و رفتیم فردگاه جزیره بغلی بخوابیم دیگه، چکار کنیم.. هرجا هم میرفتیم همین بود. چهار روز بعدش رفتیم جزیره لانساروت برای کار و شروع جدید. اولین شرکتی هم که اونجا رفتم گفت: این اتاق، این کلید، این تلفن این دفتر و این هم پانصد یورو تا حقوقت رو بگیری، فقط آقا باربد فراهانی من میخوام با شما خودمونی باشم، اسم کوچیک شما نداری؟ گفتم چرا باری! سوال کرد باری معروف ماسپالوماس؟ گفتم بله! کسی که بنده رو ۳ ساعت بعدش با ماشین برد فرودگاه و پانصد یورو دیگه در جیب ما گذاشت یک اتریشی بود!، گفت امنیت نداری برو... الان هم میدونم ماتیاس چی داره فکر میکنه! من تا هستم تو رو میشناسم، نمیکشنت، ولی از سرمایه، درآمدهای آنچنانی و مملکت و پول حرف نزن وگرنه میکشمت. حالا بگیم چی؟ آدم خوب آدم بد؟، آدم خودفروش، یا چی؟ یعنی این کوسکش: هم کیر به ما زدی جزیره لانساروت هم به وطن و هم به جد و آباد ما!، والا کاش مونده بودم ماسپالوماس. خطر اون نبود خطر شما خوب ها هستید. بچه بودیم ها، مادر قحبه سر ما کلاه گذاشت، باربد فراهانی رو میشناخت نه باری رو! 

yes, Mr. Haji Ali Khamenei, I also promised Tina something else: the end of empathy-less evolution. I can't kill my neighbor's cat even if someone offers me 10 million euros in cash, for one reason: I would then commit suicide, the greatest sin

this was not an unbelievable business, it was murder that was glorified by the greens and the leftiists: every day animals were killed, slaughtered and eaten, chickens, calves, pigs, geese, what do you have a problem with a cat that belongs to an asshole. well, 25 million euros were only distributed to Iranians. day's before Tina died, she looked at me, then she pressed her paws over her eyes like a human, for almost a minute, then she took her paws and looked at me deeply with an unusual intellect. I promised what she wanted, and promised even then before I die to choose her as my eternal companion, as a princess of the night and my sister

I told him about the poisoning of Tina in Azadeh's apartment, Azadeh distributed apartment keys like condoms are distributed free of charge in discos. It was the Iranian community that accepted this decision for a lot of money. Therefore, Tina's murder was the Iranian sick spectators, curse on you. Ask the police: the clips are in the drawer, murder in the second district

there is a photo of the beast: why do you know me? don't look at me like that

Well, sometimes I make mistakes and misinterpret things. I thought our cat Tina was going to be born. A few days later my mother found a 6-week-old black kitten under a car and brought it home. The events soon after: tomcat Anton got sick and brought us a 3450 euro bill (paid), well, and a few other unfortunate things and diagnoses. Well, the only problem is: I miss this black beast, but nobody gave me time to teach him respect/common sense/loyalty. It was with us for 10 days. good night

racist psychosis actually against paranoid schizophrenia. look at the man at the window these damn windows

You can't trick people with a smartphone or tablet, and reflection in water or crystal isn't possible either. Not even Bill Gates can manipulate the smartphone camera to create an artificial scene. The photo has a name: Psychosis, actually racial madness. With two stones and crystal

well and then the shaman and his lord and master are not fascinated by too many red blood cells, well something somewhere was again, my sugar has also recently been 200-400 again. I was 85-130 for 6 months, actually cured, but strange

When I go to sleep I say goodnight, I still have a little, very little respect. The mouse next to me says b. b. b. b, the man says a. a. a. a, and the child hi. hi. hi. I hope you never get my suffering: schizophrenia. Sometimes I get insulted.

the traditional iranian leftists have been at odds with me since i was 26, especially when it comes to the conflicts in spain and latin america, and also when it comes to lenin himself, including the thousands of workers whose execution he himself gave the order! their biggest worry to this day has been: he doesn't see us as human! was i right or not? so, i say you're not a muslim, jew or christian! was i right or not? i also say you're not a doctor or surgeon, what are you anyway? vienna: life is finite, everyone dies, why are some people or he doing so much noise!

Marx condemned us to death, with accusations of: impostors, thieves, cheats, pimps, or magicians, tricksters. Marx basically knew from special studies of Arabic Islam and Persian Zaratoism: heroes have a history. So he gave evolution and mass murder a scientific name: hand, foot, face, body, i.e. a person and a character: Stalin in the name of "socialism". Marxism failed so embarrassingly, cruelly embarrassingly that only an idiot would say I am a communist, socialist, social democrat, or... mm

That's why I only spontaneously kiss coco mey mey or ney ney when I'm sure that BoBo doesn't know about it. Do you know BOBO? That's another story, he played my role for the world: I come from la Boheme, I'm social but also rich, I'm your friend with a joe and beer, there's no greed in me, only love for you. My killer, the asshole, because he can never reach the original: after 4 bottles of vodka and 12 joe's, I sing love is in the air. Pretty wide awake, actually.

Do you know the Pharaoh's disease of the little people who climb to the skyscrapers? CIA, loves these women and gives them a little bottle for the lips, lip, the kiss to death and that every day on the journey, or on the streets or in... m

go to hell with anahitas feeling angi, piss off

Right to exist in matters of fulfilling our universal tasks, thus also the rebirth of Jesus Christ you bastard.. mmm

Half of Europe wants war, this racial madness wants war, therefore the union of all beings spirits and ghosts for our right to exist, even the slut Anahita who fought against us and was against mass murder of the caveman

so, judge I'm dressed again, the connection between top and bottom is working again, where do you want to have the show in 16th district or 14th district? don't say in 2nd district that's like a parazit for my potency, so where do I find one? especially for you, where should I put my tongue first for the amusing show. absolute protection and divinity, no matter which hole he stays healthy anyway

so, is it luck, wisdom or transformation, symbol of immortality and goodness, or temptation? come on guys, I'm working on becoming a model for the show, it will make me old afterwards and then 20 again? well, let's make the mythology true

I will present several projects in 2025, nothing illegal has anything to do with the big holy 38 projects. Who wants to fly to Tibet afterwards and admire the temples with dead animals!? I think I am the only credible

so, fritzi, have courage: he'll be in a lot of trouble if people reveal everything to him and give evidence. fritzi, 450 are enough for your million-strong army, war?

well, in the course of my life i knew a lot of people, one was chat girl baby, iranonline platform 1999. she lived in california with her daughter and, yes. i can remember that my father always played the violin but actually came and went and came and spied. baby did a nude strip in front of the camera and was amused, Nasser only heard laughing and wanted to know what was going on. so i turned the camera off and wrote an email, baby we met as fans of Nina Simon (i put a spell on you) but in these cold and grey streets there is not only an infidel Nasser, but also pigs in priest's garb. so find me... do you like italian leather? when she said yes as the only answer then i knew she would find me without cables or whirless. yeah baby one of us. one more thing: one day azadeh hacked my email and read my emails, and said: where did you learn literature and poetry!? what is Italian leather? well you are not from us

a coup in turkey is also a rational decision: who the fuck are you that you want to force me to say something!? because of the stay of 4 people and a child? who are you? Iran, also has Allah Karam, but I have Karam testicles! empty names are annoying like kerem, who is kerem? you bilmaz kerem

capo tell angi it doesn't matter to you what is inside and makes you younger. whoever is not loyal to Adam will go somewhere else, in that case go to hell bitch

Anyone who knows about El Lebrato moves around the world differently. Billions of capital, dozens of networks, thousands of employees, hundreds of thousands of lackeys. The obligation is blood and honour. What can we do about it? Counter it with more money. Her judges, does your villa in Strasbourg have a swimming pool? If not, then you are an ass. St. Michael is very creative in financing! Don't worry, the capital from coke is cleaner than Nazi gold capital

I have lived here since I was 11, more than 70 percent of people in Austria are Adolf-bound, as are 98% of judges. This nonstop surveillance has a name! His name is:my name is bunny! Also what was going on in Latin America according to the rate line: my name is El Lebrato

Yes, Mr. Judge Fritz, we are not in Panama, Chile or Argentina. We are in Vienna. Stopping taxis is not allowed, unless you have studied Panama well and know how to work for the Ayatollah! What did you do in your free time? You should read books, you scum, nose-picker

خوب داداش، ما بریم رستوران چینی بینیم چی میشه، لوبیا چیتی می ریزه توش یا سنده، خلاصه اینم از اون کونی ممه کون ها