Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2021

we are in an age where the european thinks:the woman should kill the man or the man should kill the woman, secret camera action has only one end and result, death of the perpetrator or the victim. The researchers and hobby gene researchers forget to say: we have been killing the race for 600 years, gladiators kill each other to live, today we have children of cyrus the great as victims, ayatulahs agree with us, we don't need anti regime actions, only gladiators show with political activists

next to secret camera action was just a lie, and fake stories with paid narrators, in this country nobody has the honor of a warrior to be worthy for the valhalla bridge, even ahriman hates you

walhall mythology

ahrimanic intellect thought 400,000 years in advance, we have no war and intrigue against you, my birds only need 24 centimeters

i had an anti regime course for 20 years, and an anti europe iran partnership, never anti america and israel.the ambition of america, israel, turkey, china was:genetics, nothing but genetics against my mother and sister too

CIA NSA Vienna psychopathy support amiris and gharib, shams, nasri gypsies, they manipulate data and make data disappear, next to austria, because:both families with nasris work together with larijanis, zarif and ahmadinejad. CIA needs victimsIBEX victims from Iran, for illegal app and internet business

آقا یک روز یکی اومد از در مغازه تو، تا اومد تو خفتش رو گرفتم پرتش کردم بیرون، مادرم هی میپرسید این کیه، کی بود، گفتم نمیشناسم منم مثل تو، چه میدونم، گفت خجالت نمیکشی از بابات روانپریش تر شدی، گفتم نه، تو پای چپ این جاکش رو آخه ندیدی، خیلی بد قدمه، این با این پاش مارو به کشتن میداد

even god protects us from genetic psychopaths, for founding their civilizations, and ahrimanic capital. the problem today has neoliberalism with middle east politics, asia, and africa psychopathy, or stasi nazi psychopathy

symbolically 1000 of this bastard race should be burned in mauthausen next to the CIA neonazi agents, so that the genocide would stop

the corrupt rogue state of austria says:we do not answer any state crimes, jewish money is a tradition.These children and their mother are to blame that they are still alive, we expected honor and suicide

یه ده پانزده سال پیش، ۴ تا لر به تور ما خوردن، با یک چمدون قصه، یک: ممه دون، دو؛ ریزش مو، گفت فراهانی جون جریان چیه از وقتی ما اومدیم اینجا سیستم بدنی ما بهم ریخته، داریم کچل میشیم، ما مسجد سلیمون ریزش مو نداشتیم، خندم گرفت، گفتم ببین؛ آب و هواش نیست، جریان چیز دیگست، زن هم از ولایت گرفتی بمون اونجا، وگرنه زنت هم زیر چشاش سیاه میشه، تیره میشه تو خیابون راه میره، چهار تا فحش بهت میده و میگه: حوصله ندارم نزدیک من نشو، بعد ولت میکنه. برگرد با پول ولایت.

The problem with the first generation of Heinrich Groß SPÖ and the 3rd to 4th generation is the same:shit in the brain, blood and eyes. so it is today that a psychopath michael häupl and franz vranitzky have a longing for this time:how can we find and destroy these children in kabul and tehran, damascus, baghdad. the tools in austria are only secret cameras, it's not much fun, no ecstasy

hush hush you wuff wuff i'm cool

2003 my business was worth one million euros, because of my knowledge and 10 years of experience, today it is worth 50 million, everything ruined with secret cameras from 3 states, america, ayatullahs and austro fascism

the fragment is from below photo, kali, stone from Bosnian pyramid, ritual gypsies, amiris, shams, gharibs

آقا فرهنگ نه می بخشیم نه فراموش میکنیم، کار حضرت فیل هستش ها، ژن حضرت فیل داریم، فراموش نمیکنیم و نمی بخشیم

suck this. The main target of the mass murders are 8 tribes from Vienna, a rare IBEX crossing is: Ganesha tribe and elam DNA crossing,

CIA manipulates and helps terrorism finance project, like dozens of terrorist murders in europe and asia, another joint action by hizbullah CIA: 1996-2021 middle east, syria, afganistan, irak, and europe, geopolitics and genetic politics. America always helped the geopolitical dream of sepah and hizbullah

the austrian state says: our society is a wild fascist animal, the dirtiest animal in europe, we allow human trade for lynching, for ayatullahs. judengold is germanic law and tradition

ghassemlloo war jude...,,, one minute costs 100,000 euros, plus other 80 difficult laws, sebastian kurz works for the iranian secret service so that he doesn't notice my political activism and glorifies terror

mother-in-law jokes have been around for ages. jezebel and her mother

jew does not mean black jew like austrian wehrmachts jew, but cyrus jude blue 500,000 years origin, elam jude

Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2021

I say:i have been a political organizer and activist since 2001, i am an antique dealer and antique textile dealer, plus i have 16 other jobs with dozens of sensations, the monkey brain austrian police collects still viewers/stalkers for secret cameras from across the street.

organized stalking collective from the div against native earthlings

fucking viennese judges and women, fucking sick killer. the amiris are supported in theft and plundering by two fascist countries, by two fascist states, one kills quietly, the other loudly.sick justice in vienna and tehran, the viennese says poison syringe, in tehran they say hang people.both because of black capital

Until 60 years after 1945 the topic of the Nazi women should be kept silent, it was taboo, this taboo was also kept with the killing of 5000 italian soldier and threats to the journalists, the behavior of today shows why, the murder should continue.being a rogue state is not a problem for Austria, the race problem should be solved. against the race there is a network from south africa, america, latin america, asia, turkey and iran, middle east. women networks up to international court of justice, UN and international prosecutor

elami artifact. actually these three tribes have the right on this earth as a primordial race, balthazar, melchior, caspar. Apparently all rights are denied, even on Iranian soil

the secret society and zionism networls is supposed to give a list of names, how many do you want to kill? how many are left?1940, on greek islands how many? more breed or more Austrian women?

khim khim say: ashe aloooo

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