Donnerstag, 18. März 2021

سنگ ‏لعین

mysticism and spirituality and enmity

the open gate for my lord jesus christ is the final solution, there is only one final solution

my aunt, 1990 stalking racial murder in america, and since that time the bastard alien society has focused on my mother sister and me with international ahrimanic fascist networks and UNO

act and no act, win&win business

all human rights organizations earn money from death, including my death. to this day, these people report human rights violations so that they can get their salaries. nothing is reported about me, i'm not in iran and not dead, but this refusal and no act brings even more money

fucking bastard race UNO and amnesty international

the police proceed with tehran hizbullah and the judges with tehran revolutionary court, the viennese society says:
murder, torture, psychological torture, political murder, looting is a daily picture in tehran why not from now on in vienna with the police, the uN supports us

painter signatur, goat magician

this presentation and work was on my facebook page from 2018, a 20 year research on ahrimanism and black capital, linked to mazdakism, a copy is pointless

خلاصه ‏این ‏هم ‏فیزیک، ‏دلنگ ‏دولونگ ‏با ‏تابلت

بابک ‏زنجانی

آن زمان دوربین مخفی و اینترنت وجود نداشت، آقا رحیم و دزدان ۷ خط وخال، سر یک نفر رو میبردن بالا، او را تا مقام پرستش نبردبانش میشدند و بعد او را چپاول میکردند، و در آخر با حیله و دسیسه و توطعه او را میکشتن، معروف کردن قربانی این بود: طرف رو به مقام ارشد در کسب و کار‌‌‌، تجارت و سیاست میرساندن، اندکی بعد با قتل و جاسوسان زن او را غارت میکردند، برای ۷ نسل بعد از خودشان.، ما باید بالا باشیم زمانی، چرا شما. سیاست حزب توده هم ۹۰ سال همین بود، ما باید بالا باشیم زمانی، چرا شما.

به کوس اول تا آخر هر کسی که بگه چرا امام علی ۸۰۰ آخوند و رحیم و قریب رو گردن زد، از اول تا به امروز همین بودید و هستید. دنبال سرمایه اهریمنی و چپاول

du abschaum arische rasse österreich mit romano zigeuner iranian

These bastards and scum are aryan 1200 to 2500 euros salaries, today these scum are more psychopathic than before:we are big capitalists, we die and we kill for our capital

80% of the viennese society are stasi evidence, and a collective, police judge, public prosecutors demand evidence of a public execution and attempted murder with UNO city. That is torture to murder

the austrians, turks, arabs! european, americans say: we are the biggest mother fucker if ayatullahs and CIA / NSA / FBI allow us that

The Bible’s method for responding to satanic stalking is to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:9; James 4:7). We resist by first recognizing that we are under attack and then standing firm on God’s Word (Ephesians 6:10–17). We refuse to be bullied by our enemy. We may not be able to stop Satan’s stalking, but we can take strong measures to ensure he does not defeat us. That’s what Jesus did (Matthew 16:23). We can do the same with human stalkers. When we recognize we are being stalked, we can take strong measures to make it stop and then refuse to allow the stalker to intimidate us. We work with proper authorities to eliminate the stalking (Romans 13:4), check our own habits and practices to make ourselves as safe as possible (Ephesians 5:15), and then resist the stalker’s attempt to control us by refusing to give in to fear (Ephesians 6:10).

Large parts in bible have avesta origin you ahrimanic bastard breed

erdogan türkei du ahrimanische affe, ich scheiße auf dein islam du satanist, du abschaum türkei

i had conflicts with ayatollahs, and inferior vienna austria, bastard says: both countries ayatullah and austro fascism say: this family is worthless

michael häupl SPÖ has made everyone into owners and shareholders with the police and secret services.The securities are material of our private life and fake material: we have famous people who make money has to pay 35% to the politics mafia, after death the stasi murder pot will be shared

ولی بشنو، سلول ‏انفرادی، ‏مرگ ‏جزنی

و بببببشنو ای بامداد

داروغه ای بود نامدار، دوستانش به بالینش رفتند‌‌، گفتند: ای نامدار بیا تهران به نزد دامدار، دامدار دستی به ریشش کشید و به او گفت: نامدار، نامه نگاری داری باد معده اش است معروف و نامدار، مشامم کهن است و ریشم از یادش میزند زار زار. نبینم زنی باشد و از او شود باردار، داروغه گفت: کوره های داریم نامدار، کهن بوی دارد وکوره ایست نامدار، ولی خاموش است هر بامداد. دامدار دست به ریشش کشید و گفت: میشود دیدش هر بامداد؟ داروغه گفت: شما سهام داری و ما انسان را به دندان میکشیم خام خام، باد معده اش را به اتریشش زند، پدرم کو‌‌‌ ریشش جناب دامدار.  ‌‌دامدار گفت باد معده اش؟ داروغه گفت: امت را میکنم سهام دار، پارس پارس کنان کهن میهن را قاضی بیدادگاه، ببینم کدام زنی باشد که شود در این بیداد باردار. دامدار پسری داشت، او را به نزد خود خواند و گفت: پسر نبینم شوی روزی جریان دار، این چوسش دگر نمیچسبد به شما و دامدار، میبرنش کوره با حکم بیدادگاه   


bastard origin human rights aktivists vienna, and death pot, stasi money

Vienna is killing again because of ethnic origin, genetic minority, and god genes, after the destruction of its existence international, looting of all resources. with human rights activists.
this happens with refusal of service by judges, public prosecutors, police, secret services and authorities.
Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Green Party, and alternative are waiting for millions of euros from the death pot

سر راه مستقیم، گذاشته بودند یک سنگ لعین، کول کردم و گفتم ای سنگ لعین: بزن یکی به ماتحت مهین، یک عمر شدیم مست خراب آزادی پروین و شهین، گفت: ای آدم هم تو خمی هم من لعین، چرا ما را برداشتی از روی زمین، ولی بشنو:    ‏

my mother was in washington, in the morgue she saw her sister's corpse, she saw a large wound on her head, she asked: what is this wound on the head? one replied: she has become a wrong-way driver, she wanted to turn around and another car drove into her car, her head was hit first, i called her,and said look for her car, she couldn't find it.since 1990CIA and American secret society is focused on me and my sister:double degree with a high talent?we experimented with tara's head. like myron may

police elite, secret services, SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, green party says: we have no problem with 40,000 illegal immigrants without papers, but with a mother, daughter and son

these people have broken hundreds of laws in europe, america and iran, with theft, illegal entry into apartments, espionage, the ruin of existence, stasi action globally. UN Europe Austria says: we have no problem with these people, we have a problem with rana and zari.!?

UN is under the control of ahrimanic darkforce alien, ahrimanic capital and enslavement of god genes., stasi torture, humiliation, psychological rape, torture, attempted murder, persecution of minorities in vienna

cambyses and japan, anti alien society

ötzi, alhamduliliah er war muslim, sunni, alhamdullillah er war muslim

jew, israeli, in iran, afghanistan, libya, yemen, iraq, syria our tribes are being murdered, what do you want with austro fascism and anti god gene sadism, heinrich gross SPÖ charlatanism from me and my sister?in a democracy, the rule of law, combined with human rights