Dienstag, 16. August 2022

حاجی از فرنگستان: صبح مورنینگ


ضعف طالع برده از من قوت تدبیر را

برنتابد از خرابی خانه‌ام تعمیر را

گر چنین شاداب از خون شهیدان می‌شود

آب پیکان سبز خواهد کرد چو تیر را

کی دگر از خانه چشمم قدم بیرون نهی

زآستانت بردم آنجا خاک دامن گیر را

ما ز قید او نمی‌خواهیم پا بیرون نهیم

ورنه در بازست دایم خانه زنجیر را

هر نفس بی‌اختیار از سینه می‌آید به لب

ناله گرمی که آتش می‌زند تأثیر را

چشم مستت شوخی و بی‌باکی از حد می‌برد

گرچه می‌بیند به فرق خویشتن شمشیر را

انتظار ساغر از ساقی مکش دیگر، کلیم

فکر خود کن کس نمی‌ریزد به خاک اکسیر را

dab a little with damp cotton wool on the jasper and then the persian goes around in the apartment: ya ahura mazda ya iran ya zaratustra race, ya the chosen ones, ya 12 multiracial tribes

this jasper has grown naturally with 1480 scenes, myths and stories, how many million years? we are children cyrus the great

9/11 was against nazi satanist terrorism, terror against old race vmat and potential, intellect, fighting spirit

this state: as a rescue of the stasi vmat2 targets we have 970 euros social system. therefore vmat2 victim has no harm because of us

jaspis photographed with tablet, angle recognition and colored. tree of Life. habitat. god gene, dna, ethnic origin and life philosophy,

one more thing: the humanity of the viennese and international judges with ayatullahs is: we have to kill targets because we can no longer control society: 1930-1938 absolute satanic mode

wiener rote masse ist a scheißdreck, a scheißdreck heas. good night

Gasset actually spoke about it in uprising of the masses: you get into this matrix and you think everything is normal, then you come out again and you realize you're fucked and these people are on every beach and there are no more quiet and lonely places. the curse is everywhere to have to see these masses, where can you find a place? without matrix spies

i listen to billie jean and look at this painting, bought for 5 euros, i love the painting ,michael was a miracle, this painting too, the song is the other waterfront and zone, occupied and poisoned

I have feminism to report, 70% of women are incompetent when it comes to: finance, business and capital and career. that's why everyone is tired of life, suicidal . even in mathematics, physics and science, women are thieves.theft, looting and exploitation have become your law, through vmat2 and with the nazi satanic system

weren't austrian consulates and embassies for the islamic republic of iran always active as money launderers? I think otherwise I would have been in prison for 6 months in Gran Canaria

Big john and karl

when i was 21 i was employed in time sharing hotels on the canary islands as a job landlord and had a company, i had two friends big john and karl from ireland, i think from ireland. one day a woman, a german, the mother of someone i knew wanted to cheat on me, the amount was 7000 euros. both of them dragged me into the car like a goat, legs tied together. They brought me to the woman's house, both broke through the door and gave me all the documents, files, the mobile cell phone and the money. the result was a week in prison for me until the austrian embassy freed me, are there still big john and karl in this world?

when in history were the persecuted not killed? international judges and regional judges, UNO, amnesty international and ZARA are murderers

this financial system only works with vmat2/VMAT1 HUMAN, and is supported internationally. no one is interested in other races. this virus is nazi satanism with vmat2 and vmat1 preference from iran. Internationally, there are no judges sitting on chairs, but perpetrators and murderers with a state authorization contract

i am not jesus, sorry. i am left hand elami and and only one crusader

Luke 8:2 adds the unique detail that Mary Magdalene had been liberated from “seven demons,” an exorcism attributed to Jesus in Mark's secondary ending (16:9). John 19:25 places her at the foot of the cross with Jesus' mother, the beloved disciple, and Mary Clopas

jesus had a society behind him, there were not a few, that's why the demons were gone, today demons have consumption society behind them, excessive consumption

These merhoden are for this: NAZI satanism is monkey origin, we were always there, we are successful humans, and today with oversized idea what prehistory means and concerns, zionism satanism, nazi satanists are monkey origin without empathy. with the demand: we have to ruin and kill to be richer and more successful than vmat2 successful humans

japsis, there are 1480 photos, myths and stories in visual language, there is a lot of time until christmas, maybe i will rent cameras, 10,000 photos a day?

i was political activist and businessman from 2002, even zionist nazi satanism, stopthebomb sold my private life and produced fake material, next to hizbullah and ayatullahs

کون ما و نهضت آزادی

آقا 19 سالمون بود رفتیم مدل بشیم، یه 20 تاعکس هم کنار این انداختیم، فرستادم به یک شرکت و خلاصه مارو دعوت کردن، مدتی گذشت و گفت: شما واسه صحنه لباس و لباسهای ما کون نداری، کونت پخه، گفتم آی ناقلا. خلاصه رفتم و مدتی گذشت و این جریان کون مشکل شد واسه ما. به فکرم رسید برم سلیکون قالبی بخرم و بگذارم زیر شرتم در کونم، میشه؟ بله شد. ایندفعه بدون ترمین رفتم پیش طرف، کون قمبول رو گذاشتم جلوش وطرف شروع کرد خندیدن، منم شروع کردم به رقص کون، که چی؟ هیچی پرتمون کرد بیرون، حالا اگر ایران مونده بودیم و میرفتیم به سوی سینما ایران میدونی چی میشد؟ امروز علی دایی کنار ما وایمیساد و میگفت: ما سیاسی نیستیم فلسفی علمی هم نیستیم، ولی رسیدگی به مردم کار هر کسی نیست، عجب کونی ازت گذاشتم خودت خبر نداری، خلاصه از این در به اون در، عن که دوچرخه از وسطش رد بشه همینه



رود آرام ز عمری که بهجران گذرد

کاروان در ره ناامن شتابان گذرد

بر گرفتاری دل خنده زنان می گذرم

همچو دیوانه که از پیش دبستان گذرد

بخت شاد است زویرانی ما در غم عشق

عید جغدست بمعموره چو طوفان گذرد

قسمت این بود که چون موج بدریای وجود

هر کجا رو نهم احوال پریشان گذرد

حسن بی پرده او بیشترم می سوزد

چون تهیدست که بر نعمت ارزان گذرد

چشم بر راه خضر سالک عارف نبود

در پی راهزن افتد ز بیابان گذرد

آگه از عیش جوانی نشدم در غم عشق

همچو آن عید که بر مردم زندان گذرد

هر کجا مور قناعت پر همت واکرد

چه عجب گر ز سر ملک سلیمان گذرد

دست و پا بیهده زد در غم عشق تو کلیم

به شنا کس نتواند که ز عمان گذرد

nazi ahrimanism psychopathy is very old in iran and thousands of pages why!?

Montag, 15. August 2022


austria has 30,000 in its networks, iranian nazi satanism, current problem in iran

i've never had diabetes, it's just a synthetic toxin in my blood that simulates inflammation in my pancreas. should bad insulin kill me damn austria? fucking nazi satanism country

colored a little with tablet and gatekeeper elami

this is a jasper that i bought from the flea market in winter, a deer japis, vmat2. the processing costs 50,000 euros if the multidimensional gate pyramid becomes an adventure

my last word for today: himmler and adolf copied fascism from iran, both studied onsori balkhi and understood nazi satanism and mazdak nationalism, actually vmat nationalism, both together resulted in a bubble: jews and gypsies mass murder, but vmat2 jews and gypsies

one can say that someone who respects international rights, respects human rights and civil rights, is in love with the austrian constitution and respects private and property rights is still god-fearing, still. the viennese officials are just satanic animal nazis

nazi satanism is a topical issue today, but actually an ahrimanic movement for 2500 years in iran against vmat2 native race. there are thousands of artifacts