Sonntag, 1. Januar 2023

he sought protection in american embassy, he was sent back by cia to ali gharib and hussein gharib

first step in political activism against dictatorship: you have to be economically independent, even through bank robbery, this includes 6 testicles. iranian opposition comedians only had one until now. Announcing armed struggle was my area from 2002, I was ruined so that the bastard would take my place, a bastard who only collects money and works as a journalist, not revolutionary. who needs thousands of journalists in iran? with statistical files!?

UNO and Amnesty know why people in Iran are killed, tortured, kidnapped, tormented and humiliated, made childless. but both of them know nothing about vienna, about me and my family. the reason is: all iranian organizations, all human rights activists, all political activists, all parties are blackmailing vienna: give us the money, the amount of damages and part of the stasi money and we will remain silent about the murder of this one family

I have to go to sleep, you asshole killer society Vienna

VMAT2 kian pirfalak was nikola tesla race gene ethnic group and noah origin iran. a brilliant child and inventor, killed by the sepah together with SPÖ nazis and CIA. contract killing iran austria, ali gharib, rahim amiri, shams tribe. the statements and arguments of ali gharib in chat rooms, influencing turks and arabs and other foreigners in vienna is proof, these statements were prescribed by michael häupl

i ended my relationship with azadeh amiri in 2017, to this day i am being followed, observed, spied on and stalked by iranian gang led by rahim amiri and ali gharib ayatullahs and viennese judges.

du huankind SPÖ. facebook 2017

i ended my relationship with azadeh amiri in 2017, to this day i am being followed, observed, spied on and stalked by iranian gang led by rahim amiri and ali gharib ayatullahs and viennese judges. i am in mortal danger. that's why i've been writing with family album shams amiri and gharib clan for 5 years now

die täter fühlen sich bei der begehung politisch motivierter straftaten durch eine Ideologie oder ein gefühl angeblicher überlegenheit gegenüber dem anderssein anderer gerechtfertigt und entfalten somit kein unrechtsbewusstsein. die besondere gefährdung der grundrechte potenzieller Opfer und der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung erfordern ein entschlossenes und konsequentes Vorgehen gegen jede Form politisch motivierter Kriminalität. 
Barbad Farahani
wien 21.09.2017

the iranian indo aryan society has polished austrofascism and EU antisemitism: we have iranians that are worth nothing! the question to be asked is: do you mean those who kill or die? the answer is: neither of the two, only some that are worth nothing. this training is CIA mossad. Israel and America

the moral situation in society should be made clear after 80 years of national socialism: if we find two victims without rights then we will burn the victims. the burning doesn't matter physically or psychologically, no difference to gas chambers

آقا سال ۲۰۰۹ آزاده سوال کرد: اگر بچه دار بشیم اسم بچه هارو چی بذاریم!؟ منم در آن واحد گفتم:، مارلون پسر و مارلین دختر. یکدفعه جا خورد، گفت مگه اسم ایرانی بده، مگه ایرانی نیستیم؟ گفتم ببین ما یه حاجی هدایت تو فامیل داشتیم یکی مثل تو رو گرفت اسم دخترش رو گذاشت ملک اختر و ملک اشتر، طرف رید به ادبیات فارسی وعربی، من ازاین گوه خوری ها ندارم، برو پی کارت. آقا ۸ ماه قهر کرد، ما هم رفتیم

there is historical evidence that two iranian parties in vienna, toudeh and aksriat party were fascists before battle of stalingrad, and after defeat of stalingrad they became communists, responsible for 1979 revolution and resulting mass murders,today everyone in vienna is a SPÖ member and in solidarity with the SPÖ and michael häupl

آقا یکبار داش اسماعیل یه بیسیم زد به طبری: ای قطرهء بریده از رود.. سیلاب بازخواهد گشت.. اما تو در کجای زمان...... در کجای جهان خواهی بود.... خوارکوسده ها حالا سوسیس کوسکش دمکرات شدند

کیر تو کوس ننه بومی ستیزی و فاشیسم، حرف برای گفتن نمانده، کوسکش مادر ها

my facebook page is blocked for 30 days again today, i'll say it anyway domari romani has been beheading us with austrian nazis and anti-semites like cucumbers, carrots and celery for 40 years, 20 years of viennese behavior towards us with SPÖ is proof enough

domari romani rahim amiri from babol, CIA/NSA/MOSSAD MI6 freemasonry with the aim: native iranian are worthles despite 3 shops and music career

there is no country in the 21st century where people are beheaded like cucumbers, carrots and celery like in iran, the reason is that: 15 million are not tied to iranian soil, iranian history, iranian culture and literature and to no values of humanity. 15 million balkan romano race, everywhere in government apparatus as leaders and key figures

i have been politically active since 2002, just as far as mass murder in iran is concerned, i was and am a supporter of the armed struggle against the gypsy government and gypsy economic system and romano race intrigue iran. through my terror and the behavior of the iranian indo-aryan opposition and the iranian romano race government, israel/america/europe/turkey and other nato states want to say: you are worth nothing, no human rights affect vmat2 race from iran.

I write on blogspot. com and post photos without financial interest as a terror victim. after this international action, the number of readers is over 15 million. the exploitation of this site with illegal broadcasting in other portals is a crime. manipulation of the statistics is psychological warfare: reads his crap on our websites, he should have a feeling of insignificance, he is not worth any human rights like 200 thousand murdered iranians in the last 40 years

what myrrh and frankincense smoke brings forth is part of the rootrace dna and genes that are inside me. also to be found up to 50 meters below viennese earth. I have no Germanic Affenblut, 0 percentage

i am a victim of iranian terror here, worse than the ghassemloo case, the society is being moved to murder my family, and vienna is saying with all its authorities: we are the right, sieg heil

Die Nationalsozialisten betrachteten die Christianisierung als Auslöschung, als Verdrängung des Germanentums"

65% of this society is racist and anti vmat2 sick, also against the remaining 35% austrians, about 20% are susceptible to god genes due to racial mixing and migration and the remaining 10% probably have god genes. compensation for side effects is 700 euros per month

I was led to absolute poverty by terror, even worse: my application for a small apartment of 30 m2 with a mid-month price of 350 euros was rejected.SPÖ is a National Socialist animal that is worse than the ayatullahs

I am a victim of terrorism to this day, with official suppression of evidence and refusal to work because of ethnic origin. all terrorist iranians and not iranians were rewarded with black money and black money laundering

Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022

بانو میترا کیانی

نوشیدن جام زهر ،شد عادتمان
ایزی تشکی است،اولین حاجتمان
چندیست که بوی بد ،مشام می آزارد
حیفا که به ننگ و فقر شد شهرتمان
ماریم که از پونه ندارد دل خوش
در خانه پر است ،هر چه شد نفرتمان
چون گربه که دور مانده ،دستش از گوشت
هر چیز نکوتر ،ببرد عزتمان
داریم امید زندگی ،تا لب گور
خوبست زنده ایم ،با همه خفتمان
پهن است بساط صد عزا در سفره
افتادو شکست قدمت و قیمتمان
چندیست زبان سرخ می بازد سر سبز
از ترس،بریده خون ،رگ غیرتمان
یک دشت پر از لاله پرپر و سکوت؟!
آلوده به خون دوست شد ،لذتمان
پرسید یکی از( دل خوش ،سیری چند؟)
گیرم دل خوش ،کجا کنی دعوتمان
ما آخرتی به از جهان می بینیم
اینست برازنده کلاه سرمان
گفتند که شاهنامه آخرش شیرین است
تلخست ،امان!نمی دهد رخصتمان

it will be new year soon in a few hours, i spat once to the right, once to the left, once on my tablet for ghesmat, qismet (fate), for one purpose : what will i happen to find on online auctions today, i wasn't very surprised, but the rare water bowl, the occult master of ceremonies and the monkey drinking cup from tibet are probably a sign of struggle for the new year. so cheers evolution nazi satanist, vatican, qum jerusalem you already have in your pocket, with me as an investment. supernatural, god's mythical creatures and god are watching

آقا الان تهرون یه جنده سنگین وزن شاعر خارکوسده در آن واحد تا عکس رو دید گفت: تو ماهی و من آفتابتم، من در تب شب دوره گردم تو..... خلاصه خخخخخ