Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2023

this is a monkey circus, not a single israeli citizen was killed by the ayatollah regime, worse, in vienna both are business partners together as race dealers. our race the jewish armenians, the original ethnic israelis from europe, inhabitants of vienna in prehistory

my political actions in vienna and organizing was justified, a duty and a privilege, insofar as i have the right to live in iran without mass murder and threats of genetic racial cleansing, without persecution of genetic minorities. As you can see, even in Europe, I have no right to exist as a human, we are a family without human rights and civil rights. hide evidence strategy for 20 years proves it

we have enmity against iran, an international solidarity and network, governed by the 1% society, this enmity relates to a history that iran should not have. that's why for europe america israel the genetic and racial cleansing is not happening fast enough. this glowing oil lamp with a jug of oil is old-fashioned, a mushroom cloud is in sight,if khamenei clan and 15,000 ayatullah families should be deported from iran, a mushroom cloud....

راه سه

آقا ما هخامنشی درجه یک داشتیم، درجه دو داشتیم و درجه سه، بعد از  سه روز از خواب پریدیم، دیدیم ای بابا شدیم هخامنشی درجه سه، زبون از دهن آویزون فکمون هم مثل بز آویزون تکون هم نمیخوره، حرف نمیتونیم بزنیم، تکون نمیتونیم بخوریم، خلاصه هیچی دیگه، شدیم شوهر خواهر خودمون از ترس کونمون و جن و پری و اجنه اتریشی ارتشی. دو روز بعد مارو بردن پیش روانشناس، دید یک بی شخصیت لمپن بی شعور خدا پرست الدنگ نشسته جلوش و حرف زدن و نوشتنش هم بلد نیست. چندی گذشت و خودش گفت: من اطمینان امنیتی نمیدم شما در ارتش بمانید و برای کسی خطر مباشید، برو پی کارت، برو اینوری دیگه بر نگرد، برو این برگه این هم امضا بنده. خلاصه ما به این نتیجه رسیدیم: در مملکت مادر قحبه ها فقط با سه بازی زنده میمانی و یا خانواده ات زنده میماند... راه سه: و حتی: سر میز پوکر هم بگو: بنده شوهر خواهر خودم هستم، تو هم یک مادر قحبه! اینطوری ها بود. از ایران چه خبر!؟


1998 was a time when i thought: this country doesn't give you anything that you enjoy, it numbs all your instincts. I begged for a left-handed rifle in military service for two weeks.
on the grounds that I am a sniper,
I want to get away from the A.B.C.
send me to sniper training.
fucking mask the whole time was hell.
I got nothing, no gun no gun
although i emphasized: i hit two targets with one shot. no chance! from the third week i was constantly unfit, a mixture of mine: tramadol, hashish, kanabis and two other secret things brought a coma in the hospital for three days, not detectable in the blood. I said fuck off with atomic, biological, chemical kindergarten. the side effects brought on the 4th week a dismissal with a declaration of unfitness: diminished personality with strong childhood trauma. I assume vmat2 was known in 1998.

بعضی وقتها مردم بر علیه بیگناهان میگویند: بودیم که بودیم! برخی اوقات زمین هم غرشی میکند و میگوید: بودم که بودم

آقا از زمانی که آخوند اومد به اون مملکت، ما گفتیم داریم واسه عرق شگی میخونیم بکش بیرون روش رو بگیر اونور بابا...

حاجی، جون دلم.. همه به جرم مستی.....

i have to go, but before that: himmler said: the mere existence and life of the vmat2 is the oppression of the aryan people and unreasonable. the mere existence. it's unbearable

himmler's secret speeches were a cheap copy of the importance of archaeological finds, as cheap as vienna and berlin are, national socialism was a copy.

this psychopathy also produced fake material in roman times, who raises dogs and oppresses deer? anahita? miter? mandana? parisa? atoosa? maybe the mortals with this name but no divine beings

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2023

Himmler's secret speeches: The National Socialists viewed Christianization (vmat2) as the eradication, as the suppression of Germanism

a number of swedish intellectuals were sharp knives during the second world war in scandinavia, but not so sharp to say: everything in a thousand year kingdom has one goal: vmat type human annihilation, mass murder of the phenomenon and master race

all viennese chatrooms are still in lynching attempt as far as mother and daughter, my family are concerned, because of their ethnic origin, Led and run by viennese women networks, alongside ayatullahs regime, hezbollah, observed by CIA NSA internarional authorities

this is an austrian website that argues and proves: right-wing extremists vienna europe is in solidarity with mass murder, racial persecution and the persecution of minorities in iran. what about leftists, green party, UNO, amnesty international, america israel? what about ethnic persecution with secret cameras in vienna with viennese judges!? politicians, police, three secret services? Viennese doctors networks? international courts?

this is my last posting today: everything this man wants to claim, all debts are caused by austrian government, ayatullah regime and vienna. the man is coming tomorrow because of 1700 euro lawyer costs 2010, a lawyer who didn't even take a step in the direction of the courtroom because of the theft of 280,000 euros.

anti-semitism is against a million-year-old origin race, with an artificially implanted xenophobia in evolution. gene manipulation of the primates right from the start without an end to today with corona vaccination

my uncle davood, god bless his soul, always ordered old albums from tehran, preferably from the 19th century and with southern type people and family photos, once i just asked why? he replied: many do not have honorable parents and background but have too much money. today it happens again, this time with ayatullah terrorist order: theft for honor and roots. I'm currently considering whether I should throw it out the window, with right ambition or with left ambition, because throwing it straight out makes me neurotic about other plans

in this city they systematically made 1.5 million killers, just with this statement: we received 100 million euros from the stasi camera consumer, we don't know what to do with it!?

Das ist KZ folter in wien du scheiß wien du huankind evolution bastard, du scheiß arische bastard, du scheiß abschaum rasse, du scheißdreck herkunft

in this city they systematically made 1.5 million killers, just with this statement: we received 100 million euros from the stasi camera consumer, we don't know what to do with it!? this is a lie, the islamic government of iran alone got 4 billion in the last 18 years, whitewashed

this man is acting under judge orders, a judge active in DNA JEWS family torture since 1998, debts caused by stasi system for nazi looting ritual

al arabi farsi writes: several iranian tribes are jews armenians, jews armenians. jews. vienna says with ayatullahs to this day: the financial system with family torture is a right, LURI/ELAMI jews

A country with Mauthausen and a history of 1.5 million infanticides is targeting oriental crypto-Jews, also when it comes to looting, theft and murder by chemicals. all of vienna, including women and children, is enthusiastic about the financial project stasi secret cameras. hundreds of millions of euros with murder and manslaughter caused by cyber terror

what vienna has thought about: because of crypto jews, DNA jews no one exhausts suspicion because of antisemitism and holocaust repetition, gas chamber chemicals murder in hospitals. these families are muslims

in a nazi country with nazi women collective with this history and our ethnic origin vienna trumpets: this action was not anti-semitism with iranian, ayatullahs and hezbollah

azadeh amiri confirms theft of 280,000 euros with her family, azadeh amiri's aunt has been a court interpreter for 30 years and is in close contact with many viennese judges and their families

my post yesterday was not idiocy but psychology, after the theft of 280,000 euros with the help of iranian terrorists, this is the 4th state nazi looting. he me called today

in the last 5 years not a single civil servant and human rights activist in vienna was willing to hand over a sheet of paper proof of ayatullah/hezbollah cyber terror financial system and state terror stasi secret camera financial system. But as for Rana's ruin and her mother's collapse, everyone wants to work. because america says: jews armenians origin

my post yesterday was not idiocy but psychology, after the theft of 280,000 euros with the help of iranian terrorists, this is the 4th state nazi looting. he called me today