Montag, 6. März 2023

چو از عیب هاجان او پاک باد.... برون رفت ازین خاکدان پلید

گزین فخر دین ، آن شجاعی، که چرخ

مرو را بمردی قرینه ندید

بجام رضا همچو مردان مرد

شراب قضا بستد و در کشید

ز دار فنا شد بدار بقا

در آن خطه جای اقامت گزید

مپنداردا، هیچ کوته نظر

که آن شخص در زیر خاک آرمید

بلی ، از جهان فرومایه رفت

و لیکن بفردوس اعلی رسید

بپر سعادت چو روح الامین

بدین سقف زنگارگون بر پرید

چو از عیب هاجان او پاک باد

برون رفت ازین خاکدان پلید

I have to go, but at Muammar Gaddafi's last speech to the United Nations, I thought: today he will probably formulate natural law and moral philosophy on a different level, so that an explosive bomb will be built in his hotel toillete. it happened differently. god night


Friends, companions, hear my truth
And my conviction
These banishments that befall us
Bring no joy, neither to my heart
Nor to that of the youth
You suffer the bitterness of that oppression
Which annihilated the old folk
On whom you counted
And tortures the soul of the heart
That knows no hatred

I don't sing but I've been writing imidiwan ahi sigdim meaning for 5 years. this ban and isolation has become a culture worldwide against genes and dna

آقا الان داشتم قر کمر میدادم یاد حاجی افتادم، حاجی ما واسه سرهنگ قذافی گریه کردیم، پوسیدیم از غم ناله کردیم. این سلطان سوینگ ما هم کنارش با قبیله اش دلاورانه جنگید.. ولی نشد که بشه. آقا یه آبادانی نیست بیاد واسه ایران سرهنگ قذافی بشه؟ این چه وضعیتشه آخه... همه افتادن دنبال رضا.. بدبختی گیر کردیم

i have to go, but international courts of justice are full of nazi rats and have been active and involved in vmat genocide for decades. the protectors of the mass murderers. the rat line producers today are international authorities, international data protection with the vatican

In democracy and the rule of law, the concentration camp system with cyberterror is state treason and treason to the second republic.what smoke and water, earth fire and working with these elements mean: you are no longer human

a screenwriter needs scientists and academics, psychologists, mathematicians, physicists or philosophers for many anheslrochene topics. i have these friends, they float around freely in the city and report what's going on, but the girl with the water jug doesn't understand anything anymore. Vatican satanism is to blame for this, nobody believes in anything anymore

Sonntag, 5. März 2023

my whole life has been a torture, psychological torture, daily suffering because ruining vmat2's existence is amusing and brings money


We have an Indo-Aryan race, closely related to the Viennese race, who invaded Vienna from Rome at the same time as Tehran. you know the history of iran and austria: mass murder in 1918, mass murder from 1932 to 1946. in vienna both had joint action against a family, the dream of a thousand-year empire against vmat2. prosperity through racial torture, arenas and concentration camps. is cyberterrorism not concentration camp politics?


I have nothing more to say today, my feet are tired and my heels have no strength, my lips are dry, my nose is stuffed up, my fingers and ears are numb😂, but freezing politics and mass psychological manipulation techniques are currently affecting all of Iran


Parts of Persian poetry concern the freezing, total deafness of sense organs by psychosis. which the police also talk about in brown chambers, or secret services and judges. with kolaps there are double million euros, more than from 1998 to 2017

قوزک پا

آقا امروز رفته بودم یکشنبه بازار و نمیدونم چرا فرهاد روحش مارو ول نمیکرد. آقا سوزن بعداز نیم ساعت افتاد رو قوزک پا و ما هم شروع کردیم با زمزمه خوندن، گفتم نمودی فرهاد، بیخیال رو روحیه ام بدجور پا گذاشتی، دادا اینجا یه صندلی پیدا نمیشه بگیریم بشینیم، آی که تو اون  روحت رفیق... خلاصه..
چندی نگذشت چشممون خورد به 2 تا حلبی قدیمی تخمی آفریقایی، رفتم سوال کردم چند؟ گفت ده یورو. باز سوال کردم چند؟، گفت ده یورو، ده یورو...لول
یه نگاه به آسمون کردم گفتم ببین رفیق فرهاد خایه داری باز یکی دیگه بخون.... مثل اینکه تو هم بله ناکس

do you know what is the most annoying thing about this stasi system? it sucks when mediocrity brags about career success and life before ruined state vmat2 targets. 6 years ago someone called me and said for 45 minutes: I bought a house as a musician and 8 hours of work., bastard state psychopathy bastard politicians in whatever color

اینش من رو کشته، وای وای وای

آقا سیاهی لشگرهای حرومزاده کوس مخ از چتروم ها رفتند و فقط نیروی آکادمیک باقی مانده که از روی آتش بپرد و به بوی عیدی برسد، عجب بوی سوختگی میاد.... چی میگی تو؟ مگه من تورو نمیشناسم؟

Samstag, 4. März 2023

I have to go, but the result is: why did someone paint this scene!? it is called mysterious sheep painting

Do you understand? even if you meditate, there are stones that refuse because of "not maturity of ethics and morlas", with this method one finds more hearing, one appeases the guardian spirits

Today someone reported to me: I bought several pieces of antique jade stones, I put one on my forehead, the other on my neck and one on my chest and experienced euphoria at the highest level. I answered put the stones in a stone bowl and fill it with clean water, take a sound stick and tap it on the bowl, maybe you can harmonize and manifest this energy in drinking water through sound waves and electromagnetics.. It works for me, maybe for Asians also. yin yang is old

let's say that so she knew from doctors and state what ethnic tribe i come from, i just wanted to implement some economic plans and concepts and not show you stones water smoke and gate, until 2017 i didn't show anything, but apparently hollywood is for mentally ill tribes not enough. psychopath idiots

Freitag, 3. März 2023

i have to go but we are race, erhnic group and magoi race, read the page about persia and the race in greece. as early as the 19th century, ahrimanism wanted to destroy us all and reported on genes, instinct, god genes, vmat and talent, oddities. satanism and ape origin finds us today with laboratory reports

I have to go to bed, but before that: I always have extra gas and electricity bills because I take a shower every day and have a firm belief in daily water ritual, from head to FEET. people especially women that even after three days of fucking see it tedious to take a shower every third day want to know how the whole magic (SEHR) works and why they can't. lol

like plato and ancient greece, i regard magic and mysticism as a science, since the 19th century, in austria, magic has been a legal profession and trade by law and one's private life an untouchable secret. many black magicians would demand tens of millions of euros in damage in vienna for espionage and secret cameras. because he or she will be financially ruined. black magic costs and bills 500 euros to 100,000 euros

It cannot be that the Viennese security forces and judges do not kill me because of my projects, the gateway to other dimensions and proof of the white channel.That is why I have been boycoted internationally for 20 years for trade and work. I will never work with Orthodox science dependent on a state, and I will never bind myself financially to satanism and global state satanism

After 5 years even a 9 year old Iranian child knows: Vienna is sick because of our genes DNA and origin, and draws international psychopathy networks behind them, against us. and praises Iranian government for further murders

What Israel, America and Europe and Russia proves: We help Balkans Gypsy immigrants in your torture and murder. since 40 years. Vienna is a small example but enough

I was boring today, so I photographed myself: I have forming thick cheeks again, lol.That happened again with insulin.I have been injecting for a week and my weight rapidly increased from 68 kilos to 75 kilos, actually without eating a lot of greasy food. The psychopathy:If you secretly put a healthy person consistency under insulin poison, then he becomes diabetic, with the aim: Why do you eat at all? Why are you fucking Why do you want to enjoy life. Cyber Stasi Terror is the second Mauthausen

Donnerstag, 2. März 2023

if you read science magazine then it means evolution is brain invalid with hundreds of mistakes. Mass murders prove it, genocides prove it, it's an animal

I have to go, but before that: my liver was ruined for 10 years with insulin poison, I was overweight, I weighed 117 kilos, today 75 kilos. just out of envy: creation liver is delicious and evolution liver poison

The evolutionary flaws do not stop there: The human body is even constructed in a way that makes it dangerous to eat! The problem is that both the food that should be heading for the stomach and the air that should be heading for the lungs, enters our body via the same channel – the pharynx. The air, the food and the water follows the same route down to the point where the pharynx splits into the windpipe (trachea) and the oesophagus. The windpipe is luckily equipped with a small valve or flap – the epiglottis – that stops food from entering it, but the epiglottis sometimes closes too late. The result is that food enters your trachea, where it can cause fatal choking.