Donnerstag, 9. März 2023

I have to go to sleep, but before that: in iran our natural habitat is destroyed and poisoned, and in our original homeland europe darwinism and racism say: your existence and living here is not right, in a clean environment with clean water and organic food

آقا بعد از امامزاده بیژن وقتش بود یه امامزاده باربد هم بیاد و بگه: نکنه تو امامزاده ای مادر قحبه قحطی آور و پیری زودرس آور برای مردم.. عجب امروز خوشگلم حاجی

what UNO, the islamic government iran, america, austria/israel have together and are of the same opinion: the heritage of elam the left hand is only good for jerking off. I say stay young, vital, healthy and strong until 80. of course if you can..

حاجی فرق 2021 ما با امروز یه لکه رو آستینمونه که از بین نمیره، موند دیگه، اعصابت شیر تو شیر نشه حاجی، لکه سفید چیزه، چیز. همون چیز. شدیم گاو آستین سفید از دستت، از دست این پیشونی

80 percent of all gold deposits are still underground, in iran there are death sentences and in the west there are penalties of up to 10 years for excavation of objects, but human trafficking and vmat2 trafficking is allowed!?

God's gift is vmat2 and so international arianism regards the vmat2 human, financial stasi torture business for economic crisis and hunger, a crisis caused by ahrimanism


آقا رفته بودیم کفالونیا دیدیم یک ماشین اجاره کرد، منم گفتم پس بزن به کوه ودره چنتا چیز بهت نشون بدم، رفتیم رفتیم رفتیم تا گفتم نگه دار پیاده بریم بالای تپه، پرسید چرا؟ گفتم رو صخره علامته عقاب افتاده، یه کوزه طلایی چیزی شاید زیرش باشه، یا خلاصه سکه ای نقره ای یا چیزی... مهره ای، کتیبه ای... 
خلاصه دیدم زنیکه پاشو فشار داد بیشتر رو گاز با داد و بیداد: تو اهل کار نیستی فقط دنبال یه چیزی هستی که راحت صد هزار تا گیرت بیاد، تو فقط میخوای خوش بگذرونی، تو راحت طلبی، بدون کار و فلان و بهمان میخوای پول در بیاری. خارکوسده گنج مفت رو ول کرد مارو کرد گوز هوایی. کونده با اون باباش.. جون تو، خیلی کونده تشریف دارید

آقا جریان برده داری هم این بود، حضرت کورش فرمودند: هر گوهی با این ها میخورید خرجشان را هم بدهید، گفتیم چشم، ببین حالاچی شده: زنیکه میگه مگه تو آدمی یا آدم بودی به من و بابام پول بدی؟ خودم بر میدارم. لول. اونم چجوری؟ با دوربین مخفی

i have to go again, but actually the SS SWASTIKA was the sign you ape i human story

this is my pride, iranian history 5,000 B.C. great elam bought in Vienna

almost everyone claims: we were born in iran and automatically iranian, some say we have been living in iran with iranian names for generations! well iran is not america iran has owner native iranian

everything balkan gypsies sinti/roma in iran have in mind next to indo-iranian race is this: race program with long-term strategy, with justification: iran was aryan iran belongs to us aryan race. In doing so, this mass uses the most absurd scientific and practical methods of the NS regime from 1930 to 1946

I have to go now, but before that: whoever is born with schizophrenia sees it as natural and normal, for life. and laughs at a science that calls it a disease, he pisses on this science. it is normal and not a paranormal phenomenon. maybe for others not for us

the dilemma with nazi children is: as soon as they are born they bite the ears of dolls like jean piaget said: they are scientists and fuck ears as children, it is an innate hatred of our ears until they grow up and fuck us differently

خلاصه حاجی ژان پیاژه بر این باور بود، ولی خوب بچگی مارو هم دید شد سرخ مثل پوست پیازه و مارو امروز هنوز دارند پیاده میکنند. قیمت دارم. میگه چرا بچه بودی دارچین میریختی رو سیر و زنجبیل بعد با عسل میخوری؟ چرا گوش عروسک رو لیس نمیزدی نامرد.

پیاژه بر این باور بود که در فرایند رشد، خود کودک شرکت کننده‌ای فعال است و دست روی دست نمی‌گذارد تا رشد بیولوژیک یا محرک‌های خارجی، کار خودشان را بکنند. او کودکان را دانشمندانی کنجکاو می‌دانست که به تحقیق و آزمایش دربارهٔ اشیای درون محیط دست می‌زنند تا ببینند چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد. مثلاً، اگر گوش عروسک خود را بمکم، چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد؟ یا اگر بشقابم را به سمت لبهٔ میز هل دهم، چه خواهد شد. نتیجهٔ این آزمایش‌ها، برای ساختن طرح واره‌ها به کار می‌رود

Mittwoch, 8. März 2023

I have to go, but there is an older version of the holy book, and it should be lying around somewhere in Vienna, clear words Gabriel on 42 pages of gold plates, the good thing is with 2 stamps and 3 signatures


saoshyant not only forced the ahrimanic darkforce forces to their knees in france, he also burned their children to death, revenge came with the idea of a french revolution and guillotine: we will eliminate all remnants of you, europe will be free of your race. well, and today the prices are rising, unemployment reigns in absurd statistics, the retirement age is to be increased by a few years and there are no more heads for proper protests and right bending of human values again...

i just discovered this painting online, i smiled and asked: have you been to rouffignac cave too? i got more than 70 holograms out of the rock, you can conjure it up in your painting too? the painting is beyond the affordable limit but shamanic

in the 90s, after my aunt was murdered in america, the austrian and viennese society was also informed: you have elami luri jews armenians with genes and dna from prehistory.

no intelligence and adult intellect today can justify this or justify this behavior, but america turned it around that with iranian native race we should justify running this stasi murder finance system, and should conduct it as rational human behavior

آقا یه کرمک دهاتی هم رفته آمریکا و سالانه 727.000 دلار دریافت میکند، تازه عربده هم میکشه و میگه: نه به خشتک اجباری 1400 سال کافیست...

we got rid of the european anti-race psychopathy in persia, but next to the dragon formation there was also this worm formation, poverty worms. they were also eliminated: give us money we do everything

the world community should take away the designation jewish and armenian bloodline, naming our bloodline after religion is premeditated murder as you see in vienna. there is only one old race and one new race designation, always human and by the way evolution

she was arrested on the streets of vienna and murdered weeks later because she didn't wear a jewish star, she yells loudly i'm not jewish... she was right: she was vmat2 face, presumably from samarkand or buchara? anti vmat2 psychopathy has current formation in vienna, that's why vienna always talks about good and bad foreigners. evil with three shops and good foreigners in prison. Murder is punished in Vienna with 4 years, including two years of probation

آقا ما بریم ، شدیم نمایندگی محصولات بورژوازی ن. ه. ه. ه. ه، اینکه چپ نیه ه، ه، ه، ه

Dienstag, 7. März 2023

today this can only work with assimilated giant earthworm, assimilated worm in dragon system, leftists and greens

the 1920 brush mostly pointed to the uprising of the masses, tribes of dragons against race, genes and ethnicity. hidden messages from the seer and shaman. which is the case again today with cyberterror and thus real estate financing. i must own a house!. tablet editing 2019

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی سال 2019 یکی تو تهرون ورداشت سه گرم شیشه ریخت تو این هیولا، طرف تا صبح نشست کشید و تابلو امام رضا رو گذاشت جلوش هی گفت: نوکرتم به مولا، یا امام کوچیکتم به مولا.. بیا به دادم برس... خارکوسده 20 تا ضربه چاقو خورد نمرد... چراش رو حالا فردا میگم

I've been doing this with tablet editing since 2019, apparently only important to me LOL

the painting bought today has alfred kubin deepness, shamanistic veins