Mittwoch, 15. März 2023

and indeed who does a poet talk to outside the doors of boostan

حاجی جریان تخت طاووس میدونی چی بود؟ یا بگم؟ بگم؟ یا نگم

since 1997 the ayatollah regime and the austrian government strategically focused international networks on us and targeted us..yes, we are old and you are of ape origin, our origin is europe, where is our fault and our crimes? guilty of what?

in order to describe the scenes one should actually have memorized thousands of poems. our haji hedayat ershadi unfortunately died, how many hajis are still alive with this head: Marg, Atash, morghe sahar

آقا دستور از کادر رهبری فدائیان اکثریت رسید امروز به یک عقلیتی کوتوله جاکش: برو جوابش رو بده فلان چت روم، نذار بی جواب بمونه. کوسخل اقلیتی هم نشست فکر کرد، فکر کرد، فکر کرد، و به این نتیجه رسید، گفت ای باربد بیشرف خورده بورژوا:

آقا من کیرم تو دهن رفیق شفیق، کوسکش های خودباخته، برده های سرمایه

Dienstag, 14. März 2023

the depth is a saadi, the garden of flowering from the seedling

I have to go, but I'm wondering if I climb physically and spiritually, can I melt the metal ball in my hand? will I then become i-robot or Ironman?

on the first day he asked: should we kill you? why did you take us home, i said you have a cat and we anton shut up, that's what we have in common

that's the metal ball bought last year at the flea market, probably fell from space, the thing is pretty heavy. but it helps with meditation, especially the conversation with this family, it calms: schitzopherenia is not a disease, and reports about the stasi murder system no paranoia

Taking orders from Ajnabi meat, taking orders from psychopathy and inhumanity to protect oneself and the collective is a higher sin than eating pork meat, or pork liver leberkäse with sauerkraut

since the early 15th century islam has again been taken over by bad genes and bad origin, like before islam christianity and zarathoism. There is quite a bit of evidence of artifacts and poetry in Iran. a dynasty that can be traced back to the early 15th century

many have become muslims instinctively and innovatively. instinctive! christianity was and zarathustran religion was occupied and taken over by ahrimanism. til today. rock painting iran

it is called christian bloodline, jew armenian with vmat2, this type iranian instinctive in ring and collective they only experience fate blows, accidents, misfortune, disease, cancer, or parkinson, or other natural occurrences and misfortune. then it is said to her: it was god's will., exactly what the ayatullahs in vienna are doing with austro-fascism: god's will.

this cultivation and racial persecution establishment from vienna has reached a hundred million people, and vienna still claims today: we were the victims of national socialism and germany

The police are dangerous because of mass murder and torture, along with politicians, judges and secret services, insofar as society is on the side of the state because of illegal real estate financing, illegal house and standard acquisition

three world religion: kill the goat and keep psychopathy, that's god's will!

austria and its government are morbidly trying to say with hide evidence: you are nobody and you never had success because vmat2 is useless, psychopathically morbid

in fact we have a genetically and biologically damaged existence, brain invalid psychoparhism that imagines life like this: we have to find material for cyberterror and install secret cameras in business premises, offices, private rooms and in private spheres. jews armenians with vmat2 from the middle east and iran are in demand

this is once a mourning action in kashmir، and once in tehran and we have become cucumber salad, so simple: cucumber heads

کشمیری حالا این هر گوهی بود ارتشبد بود گرجی بود فاشیست بود یا هرچی دیگه یه نیمچه علاقه ای به ما داشت، تو بیناموس اینم نیستی، تف... ملی گرائیی ن. ن. ن. ه

شرط بندی

آقا رفتم 4 تا حلبی با یه کوزه خریدم گذاشتم خونه و گفتم خدایا شکرت نموندیم ایران سرهنگ فلان بهمان کشمیری بشیم، والا باز زمان شاه سپهبد منوچهری یک عاطفه ای به من و میهن داشت، این کشمیری دیگه با فائزه رفسنجای و پسر حاجی خیلی یال تشریف دارند. همینطوریش از کون ما 23 تن طلا کشیده شده بیرون، میموندیم ایران این مسیح علینژاد رو مینداختن گردن ما 40 تن طلا درمیوردن. حالا ما مونده بودیم واسه کی باید آزاده رو میکشتیم که شرط بندی تکمیل بشه، یا آزاده مارو میکشت جیب کی پر بشه! هنوز که داریم بعد از پنج سال فشنگ های اسلحه باباش و خودش رو خالی میکنیم

شرط بندی قدیمی

حسن خنگه

آقا ما بریم، دیشب هم یک فیلم از سینمای ایران دیدیم باز خندیدیم، جون تو. تو او مملکت صاحب مرده ریده شده به علم فرستنده و گیرنده! ربابه به شوهرش میگه: عزیزم حسن سردمه. حسن هم میره پتو میاره میندازه رو ربابه و وایمیسه وسط اتاق، حالا صحنه رو تماشا میکنی: میبینی پنجره بازه و ربابه کج و کوله نگاه میکنه. خلاصه فرستنده میگه بیا بیگی منو، ولی خوب سینمای ایران میگه حسن یک ایرانی خنگه پنجره رو نمیره ببنده، میره پتو میاره. حالا جریان یازده تن طلا و اشرف و دختر روسه بماند، واسه ما پارازیت میفرسته فکر کرده ما هم مثل حسن خنگیم

the problem some fathers have:this uterus does not let in bastard sperm and defective inferior sperm. that's why he says: veronika's children are my children, otherwise i don't have any. bastards, killers without empathy, with their mother

25 years of endurance for exploitation, finance and prosperity is genetic inheritance, damaged biology and irreparable. that happened in a welfare state, democracy and constitutional state, "free market economy" where potential has unlimited possibility for idea implementation and capital. this system here is 0815 inferior and monkey idea economy

Montag, 13. März 2023

آقا ما بریم یک فیلم ببینیم از سینمای ایران بعد بریم بخوابیم، ولی خودمونیم این خارکوسده اگر یکبار حاضر میشد در زندگی حرف گوش کنه و بگه هلو وضعیت ما و مملکت اینطوری نمیشد، جاکش...

i dealt with this topic for a week in 2008 regarding iran and daily murders, today 70 people die in a day and 80 million look at their testicles or vagina: do we get a fuck today? that's how irrelevant the killing in iran has become

me my family my sister and mother have not known any iranian girl or woman for two decades, no contact or friendship: everyone thinks of murder humiliation and torture. today it's a common occurrence in daily conversations in chatrooms and outside chatrooms: we have certain citizens for fun and amusement

Within 30 years, culture can irreparably damage genes, or cultivate racial hatred and racial murder

with 1.5 million murdered children, azadeh thought these women were racially humane? of course she knew that, she was the preparation