Montag, 17. April 2023

the police and viennese judges want to murder me by hiding and suppressing evidence, street theater by viennese scum has been increasing for two months, non-verbal aggressive behavior because of stasi money in state coffers. or hundreds of millions of euros police stasi capital through me personally and my family. How? how do they want to put me in a concentration camp and murder me with ayatullahs?

the illusion of a millennium was chained together with an eagle sign, it lasted a few years and failed at stalingrad. The presence of the eagle means that Rana I and my mother still exist with millions of others.... There will be no more Stalingrad, only the end of the world.... Armageddon

there are timeless moments, some photographers are magicians, had mixed race elam the swastika sign and eagle/falcon, or pure evutions race, from primate to human!? That's why nobody sees anything, even if I don't work with 500,000 euro equipment

i'm back again for a tea, i bought this book today like others out of passion, austria/germany photos between 1950 and 1964-65: shit victory, shit adolf, we lost. I like looking at these faces. today you won't find a single one anymore, you won't see any traumatized faces.In 1963, a dirty motherfucker alien sanitized it with a single statement: I am a Berliner. lol.. so the shitty face woke up again in euphoria and cheered: we are all great, we are great pepole. lol... Today the dirty mother fucker alien probably says in chat rooms: I am a Viennese.

Sonntag, 16. April 2023

without paying attention to these events since 2019, the viennese mafia, black magic sects, satanic sects, business lobby and politicians say: with the help of the ayatullahs and hezbollah, we will eliminate and murder all remnants of the old race, not only in syria also in mexico, venezuella , Brazil, and Africa

without paying attention to these events since 2019, the viennese mafia, black magic sects, satanic sects, business lobby and politicians say: with the help of the ayatullahs and hezbollah, we will eliminate and murder all remnants of the old race, not only in syria also in mexico, venezuella , Brazil, and Africa


ای معرا اصل عالی جوهرت از حرص و آز

وی مبرا ذات میمون اخترت از زرق و ریو

در بزرگی کی روا باشد که تشریفات را

از فرشته بازگیری آنگهی بخشی به دیو


Spiritual development is about getting the negative ego out of the driver’s seat and being open and willing to feel the changes that need to actually happen while being honest with ourselves. If we are really being honest, we may know we need to change, but we will be faced with a test of self-responsibility. In the consumer spiritual market, we can transfer that responsibility onto something else, and pretend that we are actually doing something spiritual because we paid for a product or listened to a guru type that promised awakening. [1]

I keep checking my connection: am I still up to date, is someone sending me a sign, am I worthy of it? despite big mac with bacon in ramedan time? i see yes, i filmed this event with a tablet and watch the clip in milliseconds. apparently the light also tells me: 5 billion have become almost genetically and biologically alien hosts. shit happens, i feel like john wick with this fucking austrian passport. fucking world

good night

آقا جدی جدی یکبار ۸ تا آبجو خوردم با 12 استکان عرق رفتم تظاهرات، دیدم همه دارن سوسولی شعار میدن: دیکتاتوری نه نه نه، دیکتاتوری نه نه نه. لول..... دیدم دارم میخورم به بد مستی از دست اینها، گفتم برم بهتره تا بگم:، آخه شاف کون های خارکوسده، ننه جنده های مادرکونی چرا ایرانی میکشی از رو کسکشی، کونده ننه های آئین سگ، مادرسگ های شاشخالی، تاپاله سنده های جاکش.. آخه من کیرم تو دهن هرچی جنده زاده

god didn't say to us don't drink alcohol, I drank 2 bottles of tequilla once and left the house like a human....🤪🤪

i don't meet a human on the streets of vienna anymore, just a collective of killer races that are willing to torture and kill race, ethnicity, dna and vmat2 for money and then to keep silent together. and this in the name of all world religions

سیزده ۴۳

 آقا ماه رمضان رفتیم ساعت سیزده به علاوه 43 مک دونالد، یه بیگ مک سفارش دادیم گفتیم بیکن سوخواری هم بزار لاش جان جدت خیلی گرسنمه. رفتم دم گیشه پول پرداخت کنم دیدم یه عربی وایساده داره چپ چپ به ما نگاه میکنه، گفتم پس بزار با دست راستم پول بدم. لول. 
آقا دست راست ما انگشتر یا علی یا الله رو دید طرف اسهال خونی روحی مغزی گرفت.... گفتم خوب حالا صبر کن: رفتم قشنگ نشستم روبروش انگشت های دست راستم هم روغن بیکن چسبیده بو لیس زدم.
تو مسلمانی، من که نیستم، مادر قحبه های بیشرف ما هستیم، نه تو بی رحم

it was the talk at the time because of: the end of humanity and not the end of "mankind". i mean the mayans, tribes related to native iranian

who works for the islamic government to glorify terror, torture, humiliation, attempted murder and stasi psychosis, after 40 years of child murder, feminicide, political activism murder, should not be offended for insulting dirty evolutionary monkey origin or: alien host. dirty psychopathic origin

So from 2012 according to the Mayan calendar, the entire family and relatives were raised to be reptiles, raised means to be dirty murderers and bloodsuckers, blood money hunters. this woman is the prime suspect, a purebred evolution ape wiener woman


Mittwoch, 12. April 2023

Dark Mother

Abbreviation for Dark Mother is DM.

Also called Dark Mother, Alien Mother or False Parent which forms itself into a complex field called the Black Madonna Network, which is a misogynistic field of mind controlled collective consciousness used as a Artificial intelligence grid network on this planet to feed the Thothian Grid or Black Magic fields on this earth. The Black Magic fields are used to power up Baphomet energies which is the frequency field and consciousness of Satanics, which use black force substance to conjure and call upon the demonic hierarchies and Negative Disincarnates in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Blood Sacrifice. The Black Madonna Network contains the core pillars of spreading anti-Mother consciousness in humanity and helps to promote the Patriarchal Domination and anti-God belief systems that are propagated by the many Violent Religions that are controlled by the NAA.

Between 2017 and the end of 2019 I visited the police 17 times, and visited the public prosecutor's office several times, because of Iranian terrorism, attempted murder, persecution and espionage, one thing was always heard: there are no traces on the Internet, there are no suspicious factors, we have nothing, no evidence from nasser farahani and his relatives and family, nor from the amiris and gharibs. LPD WIEN

all artifacts have meaning, including this one when the romans invaded vienna or invaded persia during the sasanite era. today you can see the result in vienna and tehran in the 21st century

Samstag, 15. April 2023

I have to go, but: an alliance with the Habsburgs or Austria was already in the 11th and 12th centuries. Allied with Russians and Georgians, there was probably an Armenian Jew who wrote too much, or several Armenian Jews and similar races

حاجی تا فردا بای بای

3D Personality Matrix

3D (three or third dimensional) Consciousness in used in describing the limited perception of the world as being only that which is perceived in the physical.[1] A person who limits their perceptions to the basic 5 senses would be considered a 3D person. Such a person would not have had an awakening experience and therefore not have fully developed Higher Sensory Perception or an ability to sense energy fields and their quality.

A 3D person is usually much more developed mentally than emotionally, leading them to perceive everything through their intellect. This results in dismissing Higher Sensory Perception experiences in others as well as in themselves

آقا ما جمله بندی درست حسابی فارسی هم بلد نیستیم، ولی همیشه میگفتیم: شاعر میگه: هرکی مارو فهمید چی میگیم خودش به خودش بگه زرشک

5000 iranians at vienna demonstrations 2009 knew me from paltalk and my rooms as admin, even simone dinah hartmann on the corner below. five thousand iranians in vienna, they cried because of those murdered in tehran and at the same time they thought: how can you kill him because of the stasi camera financial project... apparently tears wipe away feelings of guilt

when i took over the business in 2002, the viennese police, secret services, politicians and upper class probably thought: vmat2 with zero capital and business opening is sci-fi, isn't it? mother fucker inferior origin

ساینس فیکشن

آقا داشتم امروز میرفتم شنبه بازار دیدم یک دختر گدا نشسته کنار خیابون لبخند میزنه و از دور بهم نگاه میکنه، منم خودم رو زدم به اسکلی و شروع کردم الاهه ناز رو از ویگن خوندن. دو یورو آماده کردم و دادم بهش و اومدم برم که دیدم بلند شد و با نگاهی سکسی و لبهایی وسوسه انداز شروع به حرف زدن کرد، ما هم گفتیم هیچی ساینس فیکشن الان با این لبها شروع میشه، که دیدیم بله شد:، میای با هم بریم فروشگاه برای بچه خواهرم پوشک بگیریم، من پول دیگه نمیخوام ولی فقط بیا با هم بریم فروشگاه واسه بچه خواهرم پوشک بگیریم، از بلغارستان اومده و نشسته با بچش دم ایستگاه قطار و بچش پوشک نداره. یکم به لبای دخترک 20 ساله نگاه کردم، یکم به ترفند فریب این لبهای سرخ نگاه کردم، دیدم راست میگه ما سر و وضعیتمون شده مثل مرسدس اس کلاس از چپ و راست تصادف کرده و ضربه خورده اینم میگه ما جد آبادمون صاف کار بوده، میگه بزار صافت کنم سوارت شم. گفتم اینم 5 یورو بچه جون بورو ورپریده، هم قبیله های ایرانیت رو پولدار کردیم، تو یکی برو گمشو با این 5 یورو به اون لبهای ساینس فیکشنی

look at this shop: american government says: we will do everything we can to prevent the ayatullah government or the austrian government from falling or being convicted, or accused of racial defilement and NS repetition. this is american democracy

the fact is satanism is a category of religious freedom today, but practicing satanism is still fascism and national socialism. nobody can hide behind freedom of religion or talk about freedom of rituals and say i'm not a nazi

Following the rise of Adolf Hitler, who discovered the Society after he had been ordered to spy on them, Serbottendorff’s newspaper was bought out by Dietrich Eckart, a Bavarian Catholic who had helped form the German Worker’s Party - and thus the newspaper was now under German rule, for obvious reasons. It was Eckart who introduced Hitler to the more esoteric ways of the world, and it was Eckart who transcribed Mein Kampf. When they came to power, Hitler set up the SS, a secret Order of the Silver Star who went out initiating people into the esoteric mysteries.

Eckart himself was highly influenced by the Eastern mysticism and was a follower of Aleister Crowley’s movement. In fact, some researchers have even claimed that Aleister Crowley influenced the Nazi occult movement to such a degree that it may have been through him that the secret dark brotherhood were working and thereby influencing Hitler and his crew.

The occult was rife within the Nazi Party as Himmler’s Death Head Units were to show with their ritualized murders, harking back to Celtic head cults. Totenkopf (i.e. skull, literally dead's head) is the German word for the skull and crossbones and death's head symbols. The Totenkopf symbol is an old international symbol for death, the defiance of death, danger, or the dead. It consists usually of the human skull and it is commonly associated with 19th- and 20th-century German military use. Himmler's Death Head Units, was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps for the Third Reich. While the Totenkopf (skull) was the universal cap badge of the SS, the SS-death Units wore the Death's Head insignia on the right collar to distinguish itself from other Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) formations.

Himmler’s occult-inspired SS, who were headquartered at the castle of Wewelsburg in Westphalia, where there was a round table with 13 seats. In 1935, Himmler’s SS established the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) to seek out occult secrets that would aid the Nazi Party to victory. They traveled across the world to Tibet, South America, Rennes le Chateau and other special places of occult interest.

Hitler's agenda through the Nazi Party was to establish an occult-based theology in a political forum. It was their attempt to reestablish something that they perceived had already been lost. It was nothing new. The same thing had already been done in America, where the Masonic influence had established a Masonic constitution, and the political family of the United States was and, would be forever, based around arcane Masonic and occult secrets.

being dirty evolution means aleister crowley spirit, or shall we say alien host. i can prove this spirit and alien, 60% of austrians are affected by it, more than half of them are women. two world wars. today you see the third war, with russia war participation, or the hatred against russia