Sonntag, 5. November 2023

Fucking American eugenics Nazis terrorists alongside Israelis, fucking terrorists and mass murderers in Texas

My difference to many Iranian and radical Jews is: I enjoy Arabic with love, just as much as Persian, also when it comes to poetry and lyrics. in that case:

LURISTAN/ELAM RELIEFS. After 15 years of political activism, the Viennese police will kill me with Ayatollahs and Hezbollah if no one reports anything and presents evidence from now on. I read this from the police's face, from movement, behavior and articulation. The Viennese leftists and greens are alarming: please, without blood, and only simulate natural death: every normal person gets sick, these people are also normal people... luristan elam stone relief

خوابم طولانی بود، اونور راه بندن شدید هم بود و برگشتنم طول کشید. کسی منتظر بود؟ خلاصه عجب خوابی عجب عشقی عجب داستانی چه حکایتی، عجب جایی

Samstag, 4. November 2023

The photo is from last October, it's raining right now and I'm ready to go out, pretty calmly. So I was just thinking about it: the difference between LOVE and ESHGH and Himmler's statement: there are only two types of people: JEW and Aryan. We are natural enemies. then I thought about the financial project and the girl: well, fuck your love and the meaning of your love.

Well, Europe saw something not European, it saw ethnicity... it wants to plan even more and kill even more.

خلاصه شاعر میگه: با همه ی بی سر و سامانی ام باز به دنبالِ پریشانی ام. امشب میخوام ساعت هشت و نیم عکس بندازم به جای ساعت ده، بینم صحبت طولانی مارو میپزیرن یا نه؟ میشه یا نه امشب!؟ با این جاکش ها چکار کنیم ما؟ شاعر میگه: ماهیِ برگشته زِ دریا شدم... تا تو بگیری و بمیرانی ام... خوب ترین حادثه می دانم ات... خوب ترین حادثه می دانی ام؟

ولش کن نمی فرستم، حاجی تاحالا ما دسر میفرستادیم، الان یه تیکه ملس سلطانی نوشتم، ولی گفتم بیخیال کوکب هوایی میشه، یاد قبل از انقلاب میفته بنده خدا! آخه تیکه فردینیه، سلطان قلب کوکب نمیخوام بشم! پدر سوخته با اون دندون های ریزش چجوری هم میخنده بعضی وقت ها...... وقتی که ما چیز میکنیم و میگیم، همون چیز

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m., there is disenfranchisement in Austria,Perpetrator protection, and attempted murder because: this family is of Jewish Armenian origin, and the perpetrators are at least Romano gypsy Aryan, distant relatives from Austria

I was at the flea market today and noticed the dirtiest anti-Semitism, racial madness and racial hatred in some faces. Active in Iran since 1979 with people like Amiris, Keyhanrads, Shirazis, Gharibs, Shams, Toshmalis, Cheginis, Zargaris and others. You see, all the perpetrators are protected by all the dirty Austrian parties

Do you see the Amiri family? domari tribe, ali gharib zargari tribe, shams family roma tribe: we are "human" who wants to punish us!? who wants to take action against us? "We are human" who wants to punish us? That means in plain language: native Iranians are Jews and we are Aryans. All of these tribes are regime sympathizers with their flesh and blood

It started in 1979 with the murder of 80,000 people in Iran until 1988. and it won't stop until all newborns will also be murdered. with assistance and support Vienna Berlin Jerusalem, for 45 years

German Austrian disease from 1946: Muslims will become the new Jews! Israeli state founding strategy with 400,000 European Wehrmacht Jews, Nazis from Hitler's army

Freitag, 3. November 2023

Before I go to sleep: no other nationality is as sick as Germany and Austria, after the second world war master race illusion. We are pure blood and immune to many communicable diseases, even many in South Africa. You are not a master race but the run-of-the-mill race, Elam the pure Noah blood

I have to go and won't post anything else until tomorrow afternoon: but this country has attempted murder as a which you condemn sex without a condom, but do not tell a man after 36 HIV tests that the woman you are having sex with is HIV positive

حاجی اینه هااا، هی میگه بگو کیر تو دهن بدخواه، تا نگیم هم نمیذاره بخوابیم، خلاصه ک. ک. ک. ک. کیر تو کوس ننه جنده بدخواه

If science has no explanation then we are all sick. vmat2 is sick or will become sick. I show where the voices come from and nobody cares

my aunt Tara washington "died in washington" after double studying medicine and nuclear medicine paris/washington. Apparently a ghost driver at 9 a.m. after 8 hours of sleep! Her skull was shattered, but no other injuries

If you become an American or German or Austrian citizen with my and our bloodline then you will be persecuted your whole life and end up dead in an accident, or as a cancer patient, or a stroke patient, or as a Parkinson's patient. the long-term concentration camp suffering strategy

the reason for this fuck: how do you earn between 7000 and 10,000 euros after 1.5 months of stay? are you something better?

Nazi Fuck

When I was 20 I slept in Gran Canaria airport for 2 days, I was cheated on by the Germans and chased away by the Austrians and Holand tried to do something for me with inhibitions, in any case it was Spain who helped me in the end, the airport police officer took me to his office and said: don't be shameful and weak, take this money and go to another island, the amount was around 70 euros. So I took the money and bought a boat ticket and took the boat to Lanzarote. My encounter there was Austrian again, an Austrian! I got a job offer in time sharing hotel as Barbad Farahani, but when he found out that I'm "Bari" from Maspalomas he immediately came to me and said: take this money and fly home again, you'll only mean trouble! and now imagine: with 700,000 scattered Austrians abroad, where should I go?

A Nazi woman right now: you will never reach this depth in me to find out what is more crazy, you Elami with 0815 salami. fucking nazi bitch

Look at Viennese stones, mostly taken from deep in the earth during building or subway construction: smoke and fire elaaaaaammmmm. the depth of 20 is even crazier than the depth of 5 meters.

November 2021 I posted photos of the Grail for the first time, and said: hey Jew hey Rabi look what I can do, well I saw the reaction from Nazis and Ayarollahs: Elam was never a right to exist and justice in this world, either all evolution or no one survives

I came home shortly to say: I'm supernatural elaaaaaaaaaam. dirty bloody mother fucker nazi asshole austria. anti-Semitic filth country

The website is Russian, so there is a hint of truth. well, Russian science and the historians🤣🤣🤣

I have to go bastard nazi, the page:

Since the 18th century, Europe has been researching Semit Elam Luristan and cybertorture and the Stasi murder system is said to have nothing to do with fascism and anti-Semitism and racial madness. "Contaminated blood was also known to the ancient Elam at that time"