Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024

Although I have to say that water will never forgive this either: people who saw this obligation as unavoidable as citizens: criminal charges at the tax office for black market trading. Water gives me the sophistication to eradicate them from this earth

and of course Viennese atheism immediately sees itself in danger and asks Viennese judges about a populist question: Mr. Judge, does water have an intellect? Intelligence? Is water alive? Why is this villain allowed to talk like that in freedom? When will you decide to arrest him?

Two minutes of conversation with myself in the shower and several minutes with the water flowing away is refreshing. The water always listens and nods: I take everything bad from you with me. Well. At some point this nasty and black in the sea means shark attack: vacationer from Vienna was the victim of a shark attack. This will actually stick to sharks and poisonous fish in the sea

In the afternoon when the woman comes home the man should be prepared, like I am right now. The Vienna police, a criminal Nazi mafia organization, promises: you won't even find sympathy in an erotic bar, all that counts is money, career, and impunity

آقا هرکی اومد روح ناصر خسرو رو از خودش بکشه بیرون رفت سوراغ تریاک و هروئین. خاک تو او سرت کنن شاملو... حاجی چی بدم بیرون به بافورت بر نخوره، چی بچسبونم روش

I had this alcatel for 7 years, without gps or anything special. recently, about 6 weeks ago, I bought a smartphone, see what's going on: spying hacking tracking, voice and image recording, several murder plans, kidnapping and manslaughter plans

خلاصه، ما بریم، آقا راننده ماشین ما دیشب میدونی کی بود؟ داداش گلمون یوسف آبه ترکه، حالا پدر جاکشش یعقوب ترکه آبه امروز به موبایلش از ما چی رسیده خدا میدونه. به هر چی سیستم فرعونی من ریدم. مادر قحبه ها

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024

خلاصه ما هنوز بیداریم، دپرس هم نیستیم فقط عنم با گوهم قاطی شده: رفتم پیشه فی فی، ازش سوال کردم فی فی جون کو کو کجاست؟ فی فی هم جواب داد: با نی نی رفتن دیگه بر نمیگردن، بعد میبینم یه گردن کلفت سازمان اطلاعاتی اون پشت نشسته، یه بچه کونی اطلاعاتی هم از در جلو اومد تو. بعد تازه فیفی هم خودش رو زده به خنگ بازی، گفتش:، مگه تو از دین دین خوشت نمیومد؟ دین دین مگه باهاش رفیق نبودی؟ وایسا الان میاد، تو دوستت دین دین بود من یادمه

امشب از اون شبها بود که دوست داشتم یه بطری عرق باز میکردم میخوردم و یک قابلمه ماست و خیار هم سمبلیک کنارش واسه مزه... والا، با هر پیک میگفتیم به سلامتی هر چی خره که فکر میکرد عرق سگی داروش ماست و خیاره. خلاصه، کور شدن و رفتن مردن. خدا بیامرزتش، این یه قابلمه هم دست نخورده به افتخار تو خرک.، پوووهههه، چقدر راه رفتم امشب، یه مزه دیگه ریختم سازمان سیا رو کیر کردم. مسیح خره برو بخواب کپک بابلی، انقدر دنبال کون ما راه نیفت

Building a super standard is tribal politics, history, social behavior. So to speak: we are the superior ones, we are human! Hungry mouth, 1800 euros salary was superhuman from 2002 to 2008, and I was half human with millions of euros worth of know-how! Dirty Aryan fuck

Because of the construction of super standards through cyber torture secret camera Stasi murder system, I am only confronted with Iranian enemies. No matter what political ambition, no matter what origin, no matter man or woman and what age. Building super standards requires hard work, potential, know-how, information, reading, studying, risking! The Iranian says: only bastards (anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews) have these gifts, we are the collective power, millions of users online. It is a state of war that Austria started like the First and Second World Wars.

چوس عوضی جنده که سواد دو کلام حرف زدن رو هم نداره، نشسته چهارتا خیابون اونورتر میگه: حسن نصرالله رو تونستن بکشن هااااا ولی این مرتیکه چسونه هیچی ندار رو که همه جریان هایش روی هواست نمیتونن بکشن! اینم از محصولات وارداتی و صادراتی آق. علی خامنه ای و مجتبی خامنه ای

Montag, 16. Dezember 2024

I am 49 and will be 50 in February. The Austrian government has caused deep psychological problems with its system of disenfranchisement and hide evidence, psychosis and a severely depressive state. To the extent that my sex life has been completely destroyed, and not a single woman in the West or Iran would be willing to have even a short-term relationship. No one makes themselves a target or a secret camera object or focuses millions of people on themselves. For example, a night of fake girlfriend sex costs 1000 euros. This state does not even allow criminal charges for this torture. So no court ruling or punishment or compensation.

before I go to sleep, I should write other things at that age, but if my life had been natural for the last 25 years, my writing would also be correct. does anyone want to wait another 35 years? well, no one will get the 38 projects that I have been writing for the last 4 years, not even under torture. do you know why? it has not been described to me or shown to me. if it continues like this, it will never be taught to me by.....

خلاصه ۶۲ تا ۷۰ شرط داشت: شماها نباشید نمیشه، گوگوش که نباشه که دیگه بیخیال! خلاصه تا اینکه عادت شد، ،

رژیم آخوندی جنده عروسک های زیادی داره، اونم از دهه ۷۰ به اینور با این تکیه کلام: عادت میکنین حالا عادت میکنین، ۸ سال که چیزی نیست، همه چی عادتیه، عادت میکنین. ما هم هستیم ما هم عادت کردیم، مارو هم تماشا کنین ببینید دیگه وضعیت همینه که میبینی.

Austrian machinations and criminal actions can no longer be prosecuted legally is a statement of this lack of character. Shameless, characterless European fascist. I have been waiting for 7 years. Next June it will be 8 years. A time when all the perpetrators fulfilled their desired life and dream: lots of money, lots of fun, lots of traveling, lots of good food, lots of laughter, lots of being humane. LOL. Do you understand? For 8 years the perpetrators were humane!

The crime of the Vienna police, Austrian president and 3 secret services is more serious than a ton of cocaine and heroin trafficking per year. Insofar as the eradication of democracy and the rule of law due to racial trafficking deserves a sentence of up to 100 years in prison

the new world order leaves nothing else to do but this: if I were to secretly flee to Berlin in 2017, to go into hiding forever, then I would have a life guarantee of 50 years as a project manager, 300 kilos guaranteed every 6 months. really some agreements with mermaids and dolphins would make it possible. the last 7 years in Vienna were a sad event

Since 1946 until today, America and England have been pursuing national park policy: we must protect our rare animals and evolutionary anomalies

Since 2021 alone, a fine and damages claim has amounted to 80 million euros, as a proven rare shaman race in constant psychological warfare. Every American lawyer knows that since 2001 the sum of the damages claim has amounted to over a billion euros. Plus the illegal money from my property, my private life

I have to go, but Zargar and ZarZar: did imam ali khamenei pronounce halal or CIA NSA FBI and MOSSAD? is ali khamenei in this international position to pronounce halal for this business?

anti-Semitism, Israel War, Iran mismanagement and ruin, mass murder and child murder, persecution of minorities, cyber torture Membership has a name of origin and tribal designation:.... read my last post and report

Iranian evolution garden gnomes were always, always dependent on Germanic gorilla tribes in genocide and mass murder. always. garden gnomes with Viking blood

close relatives of Ötzi: chimpanzee baboon "Antar" tribes. At some point the crossbreeding took place millions of years ago. That is what constitutes oriental evolution. face against our face, run-of-the-mill against charisma

remember this: face against face, Neanderthal faces sects against charisma. in every district of Vienna

no matter what social class, I see it today even at flea markets: sick psycholatical garbage in sick competition. You are garbage, run-of-the-mill garbage. In boycott, in ruin, in manipulation, inferior useless garbage

honestly now: what would Austria and Germany be without the Second World War plunder? without Jewish capital and Jewish gold? what would they be without me in the last 25 years? bastard fascists and inferior Nazis

Isn't competition psychopathic, dirty and sick? Isn't it dirty and inferior and subhuman? Adjusting false standards through bounties and blood money, financing illegal houses and accumulating black capital for a feeling of superiority? Dirty scum

It is a sick competition, modern man against human. A marathon competition lasting thousands of years until we all collapse....